User Experience in eReaders in an eBook store
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Vuorovaikutteinen teknologia - Interactive Technology
Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences
This thesis is about the usability and user experience of eReaders, small devices dedicated for reading eBooks. eBooks are considered one of the most important developments that could replace printed books for ever. Research is needed on the experience eReader devices give to users and on the issues that affect their usability.
Exploring the effect of device characteristics on the user experience (UX) and attempting to find the characteristics that are more satisfactory and those that are less desirable were the main focus of the research. In addition, we also explored the hedonic and pragmatic elements in the context of user engagement with eBooks and eReaders.
The research used methodological triangulation to capture user experience and usability issues with in-lab usability evaluation, longitudinal evaluation, interviews and diaries. A total of 24 participants took part in the in-lab usability evaluation, from which eight continued on the longitudinal evaluation that lasted for three weeks.
Four devices were included in the evaluations: the iRex Digital Reader 800, the Alex Reader, the Hanlin V60 eReader and the HTC Desire Smartphone. The eBook store used in the evaluation was the Alcatel-Lucent BookShelf eBook store.
The results show that the eReader model, user interface elements and interaction methods, had an effect on the participants' performance for completing the tasks. The speed of operation was also an important factor in the evaluation of the device.
Practice and longer periods of use also have an important effect on participants' performance. During the three weeks of the longitudinal study, the participants were able to overcome some of the usability problems they had during the in-lab usability evaluation and were able to focus on qualities that they did not notice before.
As usual, performance on both the usability and field evaluation proved to be dependent also on participants' previous experience, context of use and preferences.
Asiasanat:eBooks, eReaders, User Experience, Usability, Evaluation Method
Exploring the effect of device characteristics on the user experience (UX) and attempting to find the characteristics that are more satisfactory and those that are less desirable were the main focus of the research. In addition, we also explored the hedonic and pragmatic elements in the context of user engagement with eBooks and eReaders.
The research used methodological triangulation to capture user experience and usability issues with in-lab usability evaluation, longitudinal evaluation, interviews and diaries. A total of 24 participants took part in the in-lab usability evaluation, from which eight continued on the longitudinal evaluation that lasted for three weeks.
Four devices were included in the evaluations: the iRex Digital Reader 800, the Alex Reader, the Hanlin V60 eReader and the HTC Desire Smartphone. The eBook store used in the evaluation was the Alcatel-Lucent BookShelf eBook store.
The results show that the eReader model, user interface elements and interaction methods, had an effect on the participants' performance for completing the tasks. The speed of operation was also an important factor in the evaluation of the device.
Practice and longer periods of use also have an important effect on participants' performance. During the three weeks of the longitudinal study, the participants were able to overcome some of the usability problems they had during the in-lab usability evaluation and were able to focus on qualities that they did not notice before.
As usual, performance on both the usability and field evaluation proved to be dependent also on participants' previous experience, context of use and preferences.
Asiasanat:eBooks, eReaders, User Experience, Usability, Evaluation Method