
Trepo on Tampereen yliopiston avoin julkaisuarkisto. Trepo sisältää Tampereen yliopiston avoimia julkaisuja: yliopiston henkilökunnan kirjoittamien tieteellisten artikkeleiden rinnakkaistallenteita ja yliopiston muita avoimia julkaisuja sekä opinnäytteitä. Tampere University Pressin Open Access -kirjat ovat Trepossa omana TUP OA Books -kokoelmanaan.

Trepo [82895]
Artikkelit [6140]
TUP OA Books [259]
Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto [39508]
Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access) [3317]
Väitöskirjat (Limited access) [0]
Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto - Palautus [0]
Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto - Palautus (Limited access) [0]
  • Targeted Inhibition of CYP11A1 in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer 

    Tampere University; SYÖT, Syövänhoito; SYÖT, Oncology (26.12.2023)
    <p>BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer is regulated by steroid hormones, even in castration-resistant disease. ODM-208, a novel inhibitor of cytochrome P450 11A1 (which catalyzes the first step of steroid-hormone biosynthesis), ...
  • Time Reversal in RIS-Aided Environments 

    Sofotasios, Paschalis C. (2025)
    <p>Emerging technological trends present unique requirements for future wireless communication systems, particularly in terms of energy efficiency, capacity, and scalability. Time reversal (TR) is a pre-coding technique ...
  • Dopamine functionalized activated carbon-based 3D-printed biodegradable electrode for supercapacitor 

    Mevada, Chirag; Parihar, Vijay Singh; Tewari, Amit; Keskinen, Jari; Kellomäki, Minna; Mäntysalo, Matti (27.01.2025)
    This study investigates dopamine-grafted activated carbon (DAC) composites synthesized via chemical bonding for use as biodegradable supercapacitor (SC) electrodes. This composite approach leverages both electrical ...
  • 2023 IEEE International Conference on Flexible Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS) 

    Mäntysalo, Matti
    IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics (2024)
    This Special Issue of the IEEE Journal on Flexible Electronics (J-FLEX) showcases the expanded papers presented at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Flexible Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS), held in Boston, ...
  • Deep Q-Learning-Based Resource Management in IRS-Assisted VLC Systems 

    Sofotasios, P. C. (2024)
    Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a promising enabling technology for the next-generation wireless networks, as it complements radio-frequency (RF)-based communications by providing wider bandwidth, higher data rates, ...

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