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Uusimmat viitteet
Suonensisäisen huumausainekäytön pehmytkudoskomplikaatiot
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Statiinihoito ja diabetes
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Dislocation-precipitate interactions in crystals : from the BKS model to collective dislocation dynamics
reviewThe increase in the yield stress due to the presence of obstacles to dislocation motion such as precipitates is a multiscale phenomenon. The details on the nanoscale when an individual dislocation runs into a precipitate ... -
The association of snoring, growth, and metabolic risk factors at the age of two years
articleThis observational study examined the association of snoring and growth during early childhood and the cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors based on blood samples at the age of two years. -
Hengityselimistön kuormitus altistaa urheilijan astmalle
review• Urheilijan astman diagnostiikan kulmakiviä ovat tarkka anamneesi ja keuhkofunktiomittaukset. • Astman hoitosuositusta noudatetaan myös urheilijoilla. • Hyvässä hallinnassa oleva sairaus ei estä urheilumenestystä. • Kaikki ... -
Short- and long-term costs of sinus balloon sinuplasty and middle meatal antrostomy
articlePurpose: To evaluate and compare hospital related costs, postoperative costs, and the long-term costs of maxillary balloon sinuplasty (BSP) and middle meatal antrostomy (MMA) in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis. Methods: ... -
Clinical performance of two commercially available rapid antigen tests for influenza, RSV, and SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics
(01 / 2025)
articleRapid antigen tests (RATs) might provide rapid, low-cost, and easy-to-perform choice to nucleic-acid amplificationmethods (NAAT) in point-of-care (POC) diagnostics of respiratory infections. The clinical performance of two ... -
EU-vaalit ja unionin suunta: Eurovaalien geopolitiikkaa
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A model of early word acquisition based on realistic-scale audiovisual naming events
(02 / 2025)
articleInfants gradually learn to parse continuous speech into words and connect names with objects, yet the mechanisms behind development of early word perception skills remain unknown. We studied the extent to which early words ... -
The effects of a risk-based approach to tax examinations : evidence from a tax pilot programme in Tanzania
articleTechnical assistance and increased use of ICT in tax administrations hold promise for greater revenue collection. Yet, the evidence on how these activities work in the real-world circumstances of developing countries is ... -
Human Flourishing in the Digital Age : What Responsibilities does/should the Researcher(s) Have? Perspectives from the AIS Community
reviewIn this paper, we report on a panel discussion at the 2023 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023) held in Kristiansand, Norway. This panel discussed what role human flourishing plays in information systems ... -
They returned to the Chinese mainland, and what? A collaborative autoethnographic study on the career transitions of Chinese international doctorates from the West to the east
articleThe purpose of this study is to analyse the approaches of three Chinese international doctoral degree holders who received their doctoral education in the West in tackling the challenges of relocation and career transition ... -
Afrocentric triple helix : A communal perspective on addressing Africa’s economic and social challenges
articleThat collaboration has always been the foundation of human development as well as the coping strategy of some animal species is a view widely shared by scholars. In fact, no individual, organization or nation can produce ... -
Vanhuuseläkkeen rinnalla työskentelystä karttunut eläke julkisella sektorilla
articleVuoden 2017 eläkeuudistuksessa luovuttiin vanhuuseläkeiän alarajan jälkeiseen työntekoon liittyvästä superkarttumasta. Tilalle tuli karttuneeseen eläkkeeseen 0,4 prosentin lykkäyskorotus lykättyä kuukautta kohden. Nykyisin ... -
Logical Characterizations of Recurrent Graph Neural Networks with Reals and Floats
Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS, 10.12.2024)
conferenceObjectIn pioneering work from 2019, Barceló and coauthors identified logics that precisely match the expressive power of constant iteration-depth graph neural networks (GNNs) relative to properties definable in first-order logic. ... -
Baseline models and evaluation of sound event localization and detection with distance estimation in DCASE 2024 Challenge
(DCASE, 2024)
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Mapping Child Malnutrition and Measuring Efficiency of Community Healthcare Workers through Location Based Games in India
(ACM, 04.09.2024)
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Image Restoration via Collaborative Filtering and Deep Learning
(Society for Imaging Science and Technology, 2024)
conferenceObjectIn this paper, we investigate the challenge of image restoration from severely incomplete data, encompassing compressive sensing image restoration and image inpainting. We propose a versatile implementation framework of ... -
Momentum Adapt : Robust Unsupervised Adaptation for Improving Temporal Consistency in Video Semantic Segmentation During Test-Time
(BMVA Press, 2023)