Analyzing Code Tracking Algorithms for Galileo Open Service Signal
Bhuiyan, Mohammad Zahidul Hasan (2006)
Bhuiyan, Mohammad Zahidul Hasan
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The ever-increasing public interest on location and positioning services has originated a demand for higher performance Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). Galileo Open Service (OS) signal, part of the European contribution to future GNSS, was designed to respond to the above demand. In all GNSSs, the estimation with high accuracy of the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) delay is a prerequisite. The Delay Lock Loops (DLLs) and their enhanced variants (i.e., feed-back code tracking loops) are the structures of choice for the commercial GNSS receivers, but their performance in severe multipath scenarios is still rather limited. In addition, the new satellite positioning system proposals specify the use of a new modulation, the Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) modulation, which triggers a new challenge in the code tracking stage. Therefore, in order to meet this emerging challenge and to improve the accuracy of the delay estimation in severe multipath scenarios, this thesis analyzes feed-back as well as feed-forward code tracking algorithms and proposes a novel algorithm, namely Peak Tracking (PT), which is a combination of both feed-back and feed-forward structures and utilizes the advantages inherent in these structures.
In this thesis, the code tracking algorithms are studied and analyzed for Sine BOC (SinBOC) modulated Galileo OS signal for various multipath profiles in Rayleigh fading channel model. The performance of the analyzed algorithms are measured in terms of various well-known criteria such as Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE), Mean-Time-to-Lose Lock (MTLL), delay error variance and Multipath Error Envelopes (MEEs). The simulation results show that the proposed PT algorithm outperforms all other analyzed algorithms in various multipath profiles in good Carrier-to-Noise-Ratios (CNRs). The simulation results are compared with the theoretical Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) and the comparison shows that the delay error variance for PT algorithm approaches the theoretical limit with the increase in CNR. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be considered as an excellent candidate for implementation in future Galileo receivers, especially when tracking accuracy is a concern. /Kir11
In this thesis, the code tracking algorithms are studied and analyzed for Sine BOC (SinBOC) modulated Galileo OS signal for various multipath profiles in Rayleigh fading channel model. The performance of the analyzed algorithms are measured in terms of various well-known criteria such as Root-Mean-Square-Error (RMSE), Mean-Time-to-Lose Lock (MTLL), delay error variance and Multipath Error Envelopes (MEEs). The simulation results show that the proposed PT algorithm outperforms all other analyzed algorithms in various multipath profiles in good Carrier-to-Noise-Ratios (CNRs). The simulation results are compared with the theoretical Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) and the comparison shows that the delay error variance for PT algorithm approaches the theoretical limit with the increase in CNR. Therefore, the proposed algorithm can be considered as an excellent candidate for implementation in future Galileo receivers, especially when tracking accuracy is a concern. /Kir11