Critical uncertainties of the photo-current characterization device
Ranta, Samuli (2018)
Ranta, Samuli
Teknisten tieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Engineering Sciences
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The objective of this thesis was to recognize and analyze most critical uncertain-ties of the photo-current characterization process in the client organization. Aim of the organization was to lower the uncertainty of its laboratory measurements. First, literature review was done to gain understanding of the state-of-the-art of the photo-current characterization. Next the uncertainty sources in the typical photo-current measuring system were recognized. Next these sources were classified by importance to target the reducing effort for the most relevant uncertainty components.
In the next phase the gathered knowledge was used to recognize most critical uncertainty sources at client’s system. From the gathered information it was possible to calculate uncertainty budget for different improvement scenarios. This did help to define a strategy to lower the uncertainty in client’s system. As a result it was found necessary to develop new equipment to characterize one important uncertainty source. After this device was build and calibrated, preliminary measurements were executed.
Based on the thesis work it became possible to give suggestions for the client organization, how to reduce uncertainty and which uncertainty sources are most relevant to tackle. Developed measuring device was proven to be very useful for evaluation of one of the most critical uncertainty components. This device was also reducing effort required for this evaluation process. Finally, recommendations were given for the following steps to further reduce the uncertainty.
In the next phase the gathered knowledge was used to recognize most critical uncertainty sources at client’s system. From the gathered information it was possible to calculate uncertainty budget for different improvement scenarios. This did help to define a strategy to lower the uncertainty in client’s system. As a result it was found necessary to develop new equipment to characterize one important uncertainty source. After this device was build and calibrated, preliminary measurements were executed.
Based on the thesis work it became possible to give suggestions for the client organization, how to reduce uncertainty and which uncertainty sources are most relevant to tackle. Developed measuring device was proven to be very useful for evaluation of one of the most critical uncertainty components. This device was also reducing effort required for this evaluation process. Finally, recommendations were given for the following steps to further reduce the uncertainty.