Improving hydraulic boom control by improved trajectory planning and IMU based joint angle filtering
Mannan, Abdul (2018)
Mannan, Abdul
Teknisten tieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Engineering Sciences
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This research is carried out under the project of Autonomous Earth moving. In this project Generic Intelligent Machine (GIM) is used to dig up the pile and afterwards dumping it to a user defined position autonomously. However, there are few problems reported in the initial iteration of the project. This thesis focuses on solving these issues. One of the problem is the unnecessary oscillation of the boom and the bucket of GIM machine while moving from the one position to another. Second problem is related to the boom positioning in the steady state. As the boom and the bucket are interlinked, therefore mispositioning of boom induces an error in the positioning of the bucket, which causes major issue during the scooping phase.
For removing unnecessary oscillation trajectory planning has been introduced for moving the manipulator from current position to the desired positions. In this approach, interim intermediate positions are introduced between the current and a desired position, which the hydraulic manipulator follows. This technique also divides the whole value of the error between the user defined positions. While for the problem of the boom positioning in the steady state, IMU filtering performance is improved. The approach proposed is to remove the linear accelerations from the data of the accelerometer prior to the complementary filter. Afterwards, the complementary filter produces the accurate steady state boom angle for the positioning of the boom.
The results after implementing these approaches show that the individual problems are being solved. Trajectory planning has removed most of the unnecessary oscillations. However, still there are few oscillations remaining where the manipulator is moved from haul to dump. Second approach of IMU (Inertial measurement Unit) filtering has greatly improved the results as now complementary filter is capable of reducing overshoots in the boom angle during steady state. However, few overshoots can still be seen in the overall response.
For removing unnecessary oscillation trajectory planning has been introduced for moving the manipulator from current position to the desired positions. In this approach, interim intermediate positions are introduced between the current and a desired position, which the hydraulic manipulator follows. This technique also divides the whole value of the error between the user defined positions. While for the problem of the boom positioning in the steady state, IMU filtering performance is improved. The approach proposed is to remove the linear accelerations from the data of the accelerometer prior to the complementary filter. Afterwards, the complementary filter produces the accurate steady state boom angle for the positioning of the boom.
The results after implementing these approaches show that the individual problems are being solved. Trajectory planning has removed most of the unnecessary oscillations. However, still there are few oscillations remaining where the manipulator is moved from haul to dump. Second approach of IMU (Inertial measurement Unit) filtering has greatly improved the results as now complementary filter is capable of reducing overshoots in the boom angle during steady state. However, few overshoots can still be seen in the overall response.