Using Proximity Sensors To Automate The tollbooths In Ghana
Aheto, Dela Edinam (2018)
Aheto, Dela Edinam
Information Technology
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
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Motorists come across tollbooths all over the country when they are moving from one place to the other. Tollbooths has become an important part of generating funds in Ghana to help maintain and construct other roads.
Inasmuch as these tollbooths help generate funds, they also create traffic jams because of the number of cars they have to process. Since the tollbooths are manned, it becomes difficult to serve each vehicle expeditiously. Some commercial drivers use that avenue to change their high denomination notes into small ones, so that they can get change for their respective passengers.
It has also become a worrying trend nowadays for the tollbooth personnel to give motorists fake receipts after the toll fees have been paid, which means that there is no record of the sort of the transaction, and hence, the toll does not go into the coffers of the state but to that of the tollbooth attendant.
The overall objective of this thesis is to design a userfriendly interface in the form of a mobile app which motorists are going to use to pay for the toll fees. To better understand the user requirements, interviews and questionnaires were used. A prototype of the proposed app was designed and tested with motorist as they are the main target group of this thesis.
Inasmuch as these tollbooths help generate funds, they also create traffic jams because of the number of cars they have to process. Since the tollbooths are manned, it becomes difficult to serve each vehicle expeditiously. Some commercial drivers use that avenue to change their high denomination notes into small ones, so that they can get change for their respective passengers.
It has also become a worrying trend nowadays for the tollbooth personnel to give motorists fake receipts after the toll fees have been paid, which means that there is no record of the sort of the transaction, and hence, the toll does not go into the coffers of the state but to that of the tollbooth attendant.
The overall objective of this thesis is to design a userfriendly interface in the form of a mobile app which motorists are going to use to pay for the toll fees. To better understand the user requirements, interviews and questionnaires were used. A prototype of the proposed app was designed and tested with motorist as they are the main target group of this thesis.