Internationalization of wind power service business
Manneri, Saanamari (2016)
Manneri, Saanamari
Ympäristö- ja energiatekniikan koulutusohjelma
Luonnontieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Natural Sciences
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The goal of this thesis is to study the internationalization models and their applicability to wind power sector. During the past few decades several internationalization models have been developed. They can be divided in five different categories: traditional models, behavioral based models, resource models, growing models and networking models. The main focus in this thesis is in networking models, because they are newest, most comprehensive and most suitable for wind power sector. The main point for networking is to increase the resources and know-how, which ultimately leads to economic benefits. Especially at the construction phase, the working networks between developers, owners, service providers and subcontractors are the most important asset what company can have.
The collected information about the different internationalization models will be summed up together with the wind power knowledge. To have a practical viewpoint on internationalization within wind power a case is used as a part of the analysis. Different internationalization models and their suitability is evaluated to the case company Empower, who is involved in wind power service business. The case company is eager to grow to Swedish wind power market, which is the reason why Swedish market is more closely reviewed as example wind power market as a part of the case study
Swedish wind power market is nowadays the biggest market on a Nordic region, with 5 425 MW (end of 2014) installed capacity. Because of the EU targets and Swedish governments will to invest in renewables it is also growing rapidly. The problem today are the low electricity prices and cheap green certificates. This is the reason why some already permitted projects are on hold. The future in Sweden looks promising and there are few thousand megawatts of permitted projects waiting to be built in the next five years.
At the end there is a suggestion made about the best internationalization models for wind power to be used. As a part of the future development after this thesis a separate business plan for the case company is created.
The collected information about the different internationalization models will be summed up together with the wind power knowledge. To have a practical viewpoint on internationalization within wind power a case is used as a part of the analysis. Different internationalization models and their suitability is evaluated to the case company Empower, who is involved in wind power service business. The case company is eager to grow to Swedish wind power market, which is the reason why Swedish market is more closely reviewed as example wind power market as a part of the case study
Swedish wind power market is nowadays the biggest market on a Nordic region, with 5 425 MW (end of 2014) installed capacity. Because of the EU targets and Swedish governments will to invest in renewables it is also growing rapidly. The problem today are the low electricity prices and cheap green certificates. This is the reason why some already permitted projects are on hold. The future in Sweden looks promising and there are few thousand megawatts of permitted projects waiting to be built in the next five years.
At the end there is a suggestion made about the best internationalization models for wind power to be used. As a part of the future development after this thesis a separate business plan for the case company is created.