The shear strength examination of the mineral wool lamella cored of sandwich panels and the comparison of their different end connections
Saarinen, Antti (2016)
Saarinen, Antti
Rakennustekniikan koulutusohjelma
Talouden ja rakentamisen tiedekunta - Faculty of Business and Built Environment
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The sandwich panels with the mineral wool core contain mineral wool lamellas. The end connections of lamellas have not been studied much and it is unclear how different end connection types affect to the total strength of the whole panel. European product standard EN 14509:2013 describes two different test methods for shear strength. With them, it is possible to examine the shear strength of sandwich panels and mineral wool lamellas. However, these test methods do not work well when the thickness of panel is over 100 mm.
In the first part of this thesis, the functional test method was developed to test the shear strength of the thicker lamellas. The previous tests and EN 14509:2013 part A.3 were the basis for the development. The developed test method is usable with glass wool and also with the stronger stone wool.
After the test method development, different end connections were studied in the sec-ond part of the thesis. Their strength was compared with the strength of full lamella. Both, mechanical end connections and glue end connections were examined. The me-chanical end connection types meant the shaped connections which were made by mill-ing and cutting. Other possible mechanical end connections are also included.
All the test specimens were handmade. The results of tests show that the glue end con-nections are stronger than the mechanical end connections. The stiffness of the glue end connections was higher. The amount of glue and spreading pattern had effect on the strength of the connection and further inspections about this are recommended to be done.
In the first part of this thesis, the functional test method was developed to test the shear strength of the thicker lamellas. The previous tests and EN 14509:2013 part A.3 were the basis for the development. The developed test method is usable with glass wool and also with the stronger stone wool.
After the test method development, different end connections were studied in the sec-ond part of the thesis. Their strength was compared with the strength of full lamella. Both, mechanical end connections and glue end connections were examined. The me-chanical end connection types meant the shaped connections which were made by mill-ing and cutting. Other possible mechanical end connections are also included.
All the test specimens were handmade. The results of tests show that the glue end con-nections are stronger than the mechanical end connections. The stiffness of the glue end connections was higher. The amount of glue and spreading pattern had effect on the strength of the connection and further inspections about this are recommended to be done.