Testing Facility For a Water Recycling Shower
Kobak, Eduard (2014)
Kobak, Eduard
Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
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Reducing carbon footprint is one of the main global objectives today in order to stop or at least slow down the global warming. Carbon footprint reduction can be done by trying to use our resources more efficiently without wasting them on a path to a sustainable development. One such resource is water and an activity in which the water could be used more efficiently is showering. Utilizing water efficiently could be done with a help of a water recycling shower, the idea of which is to filter and recycle the showering water or graywater, as it is also called, back into the process of showering. With filters already tested, more stress testing is needed to actually create a safe and reliable product. This thesis concentrates on building a testing facility around the filters and other cleaning mechanisms. The testing facility is built out of necessary tools and an interface to control the water flow, to collect and store the data about the system for further analysis. Thus the testing facility is there to help automate the testing of the shower filters. Different tools have been tested and selected for further stages of prototype develop-
ment. The basic algorithm for hot and cold water mixing has also been tested successfully for future modifications. Well selected tools and great results from the functioning testing facility have created a foundation for future product development.
ment. The basic algorithm for hot and cold water mixing has also been tested successfully for future modifications. Well selected tools and great results from the functioning testing facility have created a foundation for future product development.