Application of Magnet Quench Analysis
Tuovinen, Noora (2011)
Tuovinen, Noora
Master's Degree Programme in Biomedical Engineering
Luonnontieteiden ja ympäristötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Science and Environmental Engineering
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Post Mortem Analysis is a software tool built for CERN for hardware commissioning and post mortem event analyzing for the LHC. Magnet Quench Analysis application is a part of the Post Mortem Analysis tool and serves a base for analyzing quench data. It gives a possibility to observe and analyse data collected by the quench protection system.
The goal of this work is to study physics phenomena of superconductivity. Quench, quench protection and post quench data are studied in more detail. In addition, it describes how the existing LHC magnet quench analysis was extended to the new Quench Protection System data.
Based on the observations from magnet quench analysis, users can determine such parameters as firing times of the triggers and proper operation of the quench protection system. Application was developed using LabVIEW programming language. In this work especially quench detection, energy, location, heater protection and time delays are discussed.
It was discovered that automatic quench analysis saves precious time and reduces the need for manual calculations. Biggest problems during the project were found in code modification phase between different LabVIEW versions and programmers.
It is possible that further development of the code enhances the possibilities of quench analysis application. Designed methods for dipole magnets can be easily extended for different magnet types such as quadrupoles with changes in the configuration settings. /Kir11
The goal of this work is to study physics phenomena of superconductivity. Quench, quench protection and post quench data are studied in more detail. In addition, it describes how the existing LHC magnet quench analysis was extended to the new Quench Protection System data.
Based on the observations from magnet quench analysis, users can determine such parameters as firing times of the triggers and proper operation of the quench protection system. Application was developed using LabVIEW programming language. In this work especially quench detection, energy, location, heater protection and time delays are discussed.
It was discovered that automatic quench analysis saves precious time and reduces the need for manual calculations. Biggest problems during the project were found in code modification phase between different LabVIEW versions and programmers.
It is possible that further development of the code enhances the possibilities of quench analysis application. Designed methods for dipole magnets can be easily extended for different magnet types such as quadrupoles with changes in the configuration settings. /Kir11