Towards Playful Office Culture: Final Report of the OASIS – Playful Spaces for Learning and Collaboration at Work (2014–2015) research project
Teoksen toimittaja(t)
Nummenmaa, Timo
Savolainen, Sampo
Kultima, Annakaisa
Tampereen yliopisto
Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences
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In the project OASIS – Playful Spaces for Learning and Collaboration at Work (2014–2015), funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the experience of playfulness and the incentives and thresholds of adult play at the workplace were examined. The research focused on a single academic work community, and it was closely connected to research enabled by OASIS, an informal social space for students and staff at the university and a living lab for research. The primary component of the research project comprised three playful experiments involving staff members.