Conflict prevention in post-war Sri Lanka : obstacles and the way forward
Jahan, Sultana Sharmin (2015)
Jahan, Sultana Sharmin
Master's Programme in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden yksikkö - School of Social Sciences and Humanities
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After the end of the devastating protracted civil war, Sri Lanka is undergoing through a comprehensive post war preventive peace building process. These post war efforts in the country reveal a unique approach of contemporary conflict prevention enterprise in the context of the way the government conducts its post war activities. The emergence of the victors’ peace situation poses question towards the conflict prevention paradigm, which does not give any clear guidance to prevent relapse and establish sustainable and positive peace in such a context where the victors lacks a political will to address the root causes of conflict through political reform and to use the conflict prevention process as a medium of building trust.
The purpose of the research is to see how conflict prevention has been carried out in post war Sri Lanka and examine whether it is effective to establish sustainable peace and prevent relapse of conflict or not. The research is based on the case study of the various conflict prevention efforts taken by different actors. The study is conducted as a comparative study of theory and case to simplify the research and draw conclusions which can question or support some of the existing practical efforts in Sri Lanka in particular and theoretical approach in general.
As a methodology the research applies the theoretical framework of conflict prevention which covers not only conflict resolution but also prevent the relapse of conflict.
The research is designed to address the question of conflict prevention in Sri Lanka as well as to reveal the deficiencies of the theory in resolving this type of post war situation.
The research proves that the existing theory does not give much guidance to post war situation of victor’s peace. Therefore, it requires more research for a successful policy recommendation in such a situation.
The purpose of the research is to see how conflict prevention has been carried out in post war Sri Lanka and examine whether it is effective to establish sustainable peace and prevent relapse of conflict or not. The research is based on the case study of the various conflict prevention efforts taken by different actors. The study is conducted as a comparative study of theory and case to simplify the research and draw conclusions which can question or support some of the existing practical efforts in Sri Lanka in particular and theoretical approach in general.
As a methodology the research applies the theoretical framework of conflict prevention which covers not only conflict resolution but also prevent the relapse of conflict.
The research is designed to address the question of conflict prevention in Sri Lanka as well as to reveal the deficiencies of the theory in resolving this type of post war situation.
The research proves that the existing theory does not give much guidance to post war situation of victor’s peace. Therefore, it requires more research for a successful policy recommendation in such a situation.