Rainbows, Unicorns and Hoverboards Making of OASIS Story of a dream at the University of Tampere
Teoksen toimittaja(t)
Kultima, Annakaisa
Tampereen yliopisto
Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences
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OASIS is a social learning and research space at the University of Tampere. The key characteristic of the space is its playful, elevated auditorium-like floor plan with bookshelves and four group stations with TV screens on the sides of the room. In addition to the big room, there is a small tube-like space underneath the highest step and a more conventional meeting room with open windows to the corridor and peek-windows to the OASIS.
OASIS is a research-driven space: the design of the space was informed by design research conducted at the Tampere Research Center for Information and Media (TRIM), and ongoing follow-up study of OASIS works as a basis for the future development.
OASIS is a research-driven space: the design of the space was informed by design research conducted at the Tampere Research Center for Information and Media (TRIM), and ongoing follow-up study of OASIS works as a basis for the future development.