Tansanialaisten vammaisten lasten vanhempien kokemukset sosiaalisesta tuesta
Sosiaalityö - Social Work
Yhteiskunta- ja kulttuuritieteiden yksikkö - School of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia tansanialaisten vammaisten lasten vanhempien saamaa sosiaalista tukea. Tutkimus on toteutettu haastattelemalla tansanialaisia vammaisten lasten vanhempia teemahaastattelumentelmällä (N=12). Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa tarkastellaan vammaisuutta kehitysmaassa ja vammaisuutta ihmisoikeuskysymyksenä. Sosiaalisen tuen käsite määrittyy kolmen eri tason, primaari- sekundaari- ja tertiaaritason kautta. Pyrkimyksenä on löytää vastaus kysymyksiin: millaista sosiaalista tukea tansanialaiset vammaisen lapsen vanhemmat saavat ja millaista vanhempien saama sosiaalinen tuki on kansainvälisiin ihmisoikeussopimuksiin nähden. Tutkimusasetelman ohjenuorana on vammaisuuden näkeminen ihmisoikeuskysymyksenä ja ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittaminen sosiaalityön lähtökohtana. Tutkimusaineiston analyysissä on käytetty menetelmänä teoriaohjautunutta sisällönanalyysiä. Aineisto on luokiteltu teemoittelemalla ja tyypittelemällä. Tutkimustuloksina esitetään kuvausvammaisten lasten vanhempien kohtaamista haasteista, tyypittely kolmesta erilaisesta vanhemman orientaatiosta sosiaalisen tuen saamiseen, sekä tulkinta siitä, miten tämä kaikki näyttäytyy ihmisoikeuksien valossa.Aineiston perusteella vammaisuus näyttäytyi ennen kaikkea jonkinlaisena käytännön elämää haittaavana seikkana. Suurimpana arjen haasteena kertomuksista nousi köyhyys ja puute monista elämän välttämättömistä asioista. Kaikissa kolmessa vanhemman tyypissä näkyi halu ja kiinnostus toimia lapsen parhaaksi. Se, miten tähän tavoitteeseen pyrittiin, vaihteli vanhempien resurssien ja keinojen mukaan. Erot tulivat esiin aktiivisuus-passiivisuus -akselilla. Tukiorientoitunut vanhempi oli aktiivisin verkostoitumaan ja etsimään sosiaalista tukea, odottaja passiivisin ja pärjääjävanhempi sopi näiden kahden väliin.Vammaisten lasten ihmisoikeuksien toteutuminen näyttäytyi puutteellisena. Syynä olivat paitsi yhteiskunnalliset olosuhteet ja resurssien puute sekä sosiaalisen tuen antajilla, että saajilla, myös tiedon puute. Tämän tutkimuksen oleellinen merkitys on antaa ääni vähän tutkitulle ihmisryhmälle ja sitä kautta herättää ajatuksia globaalin ymmärryksen tarpeellisuudesta ja sen haasteista. Sosiaalisen tuen saajien eri orientaatioiden tunnistamisesta voi olla hyötyä mietittäessä, miten tällaisia perheitä ja lapsia voitaisiin parhaiten tukea ja miten vähäisiä resursseja tulisi priorisoida.Avainsanat: Vammaisuus, lapsi, vanhempi, sosiaalinen tuki, kokemukset, ihmisoikeudet, lasten oikeudet, Tansania
-------The purpose of this thesis at hand is to explore experiences of social support that Tanzanian parents with a disabled child have. The study is conducted by interviewing the parents who have a child with a disability using the theme interview method (N=12). The first part of the study explores disability in a developing country and disability as a human rights issue. The concept of social support is defined by three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary level. The aim is to find an answer to the following questions: what kind of social support do the Tanzanian parents of a disabled child get and how is that social support seen in the concept of international human rights. The research frame is directed by seeing disability as a human rights issue and respecting human rights as the basis of all social work.Previous theory has directed the content analysis. The research data has been categorized into different themes and types. The result is threefold. First, the description of the challenges the families face is given. Second, a description of the three different types of parents as a receiver of social support is been dealt with and third, an analysis of how all the previously mentioned aspects appear in the light of international human rights. The three types of parenthood are named as follows: a support oriented parent, a waiting parent, and a coping parent.According to the data disability is seen as something that distracts the normal everyday life. Above all else, the life challenges appeared to be poverty and the lack of many necessities in life. All three types of parents showed the will and interest to do their best for the child. How they tried to achieve that varied on the active-passive -scale. The support oriented parent was the most active to make new social networks and to seek more social support. The waiting type was the least active and the coping type falls between these two.The actualization of the disabled children´s human rights was inadequate. This was because of the society´s circumstances and the lack of resources for both the givers and the receivers of social support. The lack of knowledge and information was also meaningful. The important goal of this research is to give a voice to a little researched group of people. By doing this the study aims to provoke thoughts about the need and challenges of global understanding. Recognizing the different orientations in receiving social support might be useful when contemplating how these families could be supported the best and how the insufficient resources should be prioritized.Keywords: Disability, a child, a parent, social support, experiences, human rights, children´s rights, Tanzania
-------The purpose of this thesis at hand is to explore experiences of social support that Tanzanian parents with a disabled child have. The study is conducted by interviewing the parents who have a child with a disability using the theme interview method (N=12). The first part of the study explores disability in a developing country and disability as a human rights issue. The concept of social support is defined by three levels, primary, secondary and tertiary level. The aim is to find an answer to the following questions: what kind of social support do the Tanzanian parents of a disabled child get and how is that social support seen in the concept of international human rights. The research frame is directed by seeing disability as a human rights issue and respecting human rights as the basis of all social work.Previous theory has directed the content analysis. The research data has been categorized into different themes and types. The result is threefold. First, the description of the challenges the families face is given. Second, a description of the three different types of parents as a receiver of social support is been dealt with and third, an analysis of how all the previously mentioned aspects appear in the light of international human rights. The three types of parenthood are named as follows: a support oriented parent, a waiting parent, and a coping parent.According to the data disability is seen as something that distracts the normal everyday life. Above all else, the life challenges appeared to be poverty and the lack of many necessities in life. All three types of parents showed the will and interest to do their best for the child. How they tried to achieve that varied on the active-passive -scale. The support oriented parent was the most active to make new social networks and to seek more social support. The waiting type was the least active and the coping type falls between these two.The actualization of the disabled children´s human rights was inadequate. This was because of the society´s circumstances and the lack of resources for both the givers and the receivers of social support. The lack of knowledge and information was also meaningful. The important goal of this research is to give a voice to a little researched group of people. By doing this the study aims to provoke thoughts about the need and challenges of global understanding. Recognizing the different orientations in receiving social support might be useful when contemplating how these families could be supported the best and how the insufficient resources should be prioritized.Keywords: Disability, a child, a parent, social support, experiences, human rights, children´s rights, Tanzania