Yrityksen taloustiede, markkinointi - Marketing
Johtamiskorkeakoulu - School of Management
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Julkaisuarkistossa on tutkielman rajattu versio. Täysversio on luettavissa Tampereen yliopiston kirjastossa. This is a limited version of the Master's thesis. The complete version can be viewed in print at Tampere University Library.
The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze user experience of Saarioinen’s meals for lunch. Lunch is a unique consumption situation that this study focuses on. Theoretical framework for the study is formed from a means-end chain model that describes customer perceived value. The means-end chain model combines product attributes, consequences and desired end states. Means are goods or services that are used to achieve desired end states such as goals and values. Emphasis on the means-end chain model is in a customer’s own perception, preferences and evaluation of use of goods and services. This study proceeds from thought that value does not exist before it is experienced and perceived by a customer.Qualitative research was chosen as a research approach because aim of the study was to understand, describe and interpret unique phenomenon. Focus on a qualitative research is on processes and meanings. Qualitative research seeks capturing feelings, experiences and behavior that are the essence when studying user experience of Saarioinen’s meals for lunch. Case study was used as a research strategy and semi-structured focus group interviews as a data gathering method. In addition, a projective technique was used. Interviewees were asked to collect pictures of their feelings and attitudes towards Saarioinen and a photograph of lunch facilities. These visuals were utilized during interviews as a way to create discussion and reveal even unconscious feelings and attitudes of the interviewees. Two pilot interviews and three focus group interviews were organized during January and February 2012 and altogether 15 people were interviewed.Findings show that customers acknowledge both concrete, tangible, visual characteristics and abstract, intangible, subjective characteristics of a product when assessing product attributes. Emphasis was put on usability of products as that has meaningful role in consumption experience. Both positive and negative consequences were found out as a result of using Saarioinen’s meals for lunch. Desired end states of eating Saarioinen’s meals for lunch were found to relate on three complementary aspects: prevailing requirements of lunch food, goals pursued by using Saarioinen’s meals for lunch and general goals of lunch. Lunch situations vary a lot depending on a workplace. Some similarities however exist how people spend their lunch.User experience was approached through customer perceived value and value was further approached through the means-end chain model in order to capture user experience of Saarioinen’s meals for lunch.
Asiasanat:user experience, means-end chain model, customer perceived value, convenience food
Asiasanat:user experience, means-end chain model, customer perceived value, convenience food