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Biokemia - Biochemistry
Biolääketieteellisen teknologian yksikkö - Institute of Biomedical Technology
Tutkielman tausta ja tavoitteet.Alkion kantasoluista erilaistetun toiminnallisen hermosoluverkoston kypsyminen on verrattain hidas prosessi. Lisäksi verkoston solut jakaantuvat hyvin kiivaasti ja täyttävät soluviljelymaljat nopeasti. Nämä seikat sekä hidastavat että vaikeuttavat tutkimusasetelmia, sillä pitkäaikaisia tutkimuksia hermosoluverkostoilla on käytännössä mahdoton toteuttaa. Tämän pro gradu -työn tavoitteena oli muodostaa ihmisalkion kantasoluista toiminnallisia hermosoluverkostoja, joiden kypsymistä yritettiin nopeuttaa kemiallisesti käyttäen DNA polymeraasi inhibiittoria Aphidicolinia, jonka toivottiin samanaikaisesti myös rajoittavan solujakaantumista. Materiaalit ja menetelmät. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin Regeassa derivoitua ja viljeltyä ihmisalkion kantasolulinjaa 08/023. Solujen erilaistamisen jälkeen esiasteellisiksi hermosoluiksi ne maljattiin alas sekä mikroelektrodihila- että kuoppalevyille. Solujen morfologiaa tarkasteltiin mikroskopoimalla ja aikasarjakuvaamalla solujen liikehdintää. Altistuksen lopussa solujen vastetta Aphidicolin altistukselle tutkittiin Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity -analyysimenetelmällä. Hermosoluverkostojen toiminnallisuutta seurattiin mikroelektrodihilamittauksilla läpi kokeen. Kokeen lopussa soluviljelmien eri solutyypit karakterisoitiin immunosytokemiallisilla värjäyksillä joiden lisäksi verkostojen vastetta erilaisiin farmakologisiin aineisiin tutkittiin mikroelektrodihilamittauksilla. Lisäksi solujen jakaantumista tutkittiin ELISA-pohjaisella BrdU-menetelmällä.Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kontrollisoluviljelmät kasvoivat odotetusti hyvin tiheiksi, mutta Aphidicolinilla käsiteltyjen viljelmien solujakaantumista saatiin rajoitettua. Aphidicolin ei vaikuttanut eri solutyyppien määriin viljelmissä, mutta sen sijaan se vähensi pysyvästi solujen jakaantumista. Mikroelektrodihilamittaukset osoittivat, että Aphidicolin lisäsi solujen sähköistä aktiivisuutta, eritoten altistuksen aikana, mutta se ei kuitenkaan aikaansaanut kehittyneempää signaalia.
ABSTRACTBackground and aims.Nowadays, it is possible to form functional neural networks from human embryonic stem cells, although at the moment this process is quite time-consuming. Moreover, in culture these cells divide vigorously and the culture plates quickly grow confluent. These factors slow down the progress in research and long-term experiments are practically impossible to conduct. The aim of this thesis was to study whether the maturation period of the human neuronal networks formed could be shortened by using the DNA polymerase inhibitor Aphidicolin, and if this treatment could in parallel prevent the cell overgrowth. Materials and methods.Human embryonic stem cell line 08/023 derived and cultured at Regea was used in this study. After differentiation towards neuronal lineage, cells were plated down on microelectrode array and on cell culture plates. The cell morphology was visualized by microscopy and cell movement with a time-lapse imaging system. The cell viability after the Aphidicolin exposure was assessed by the Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity analysis. Microelectrode array was used to measure the electrical activity of the cells throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment, immunocytochemical stainings were used to characterize different cell types in the cultures, and ELISA-based BrdU method was used to detect the rate of cell proliferation. Results and conclusions.Control wells grew confluent during the experiment; in contrast, the cell division of the cells treated with Aphidicolin was restricted. Aphidicolin had no effect on the proportion of the different cell types in the cultures, but it did decrease the number of proliferating cells compared to the controls. Microelectrode array measurements showed that Aphidicolin increased the electrical activity of cells, especially during the exposure period, but the signal did not develop into more mature form.
ABSTRACTBackground and aims.Nowadays, it is possible to form functional neural networks from human embryonic stem cells, although at the moment this process is quite time-consuming. Moreover, in culture these cells divide vigorously and the culture plates quickly grow confluent. These factors slow down the progress in research and long-term experiments are practically impossible to conduct. The aim of this thesis was to study whether the maturation period of the human neuronal networks formed could be shortened by using the DNA polymerase inhibitor Aphidicolin, and if this treatment could in parallel prevent the cell overgrowth. Materials and methods.Human embryonic stem cell line 08/023 derived and cultured at Regea was used in this study. After differentiation towards neuronal lineage, cells were plated down on microelectrode array and on cell culture plates. The cell morphology was visualized by microscopy and cell movement with a time-lapse imaging system. The cell viability after the Aphidicolin exposure was assessed by the Live/Dead Viability/Cytotoxicity analysis. Microelectrode array was used to measure the electrical activity of the cells throughout the experiment. At the end of the experiment, immunocytochemical stainings were used to characterize different cell types in the cultures, and ELISA-based BrdU method was used to detect the rate of cell proliferation. Results and conclusions.Control wells grew confluent during the experiment; in contrast, the cell division of the cells treated with Aphidicolin was restricted. Aphidicolin had no effect on the proportion of the different cell types in the cultures, but it did decrease the number of proliferating cells compared to the controls. Microelectrode array measurements showed that Aphidicolin increased the electrical activity of cells, especially during the exposure period, but the signal did not develop into more mature form.