UIXML: An XML-based user interface configuration framework for a patient monitoring software application
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Vuorovaikutteinen teknologia - Interactive Technology
Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences
Separating configuration from business logic and data is one of the most commonly adopted design patterns in user interface architectures today. Graphical user layout tools combined with XML-based configuration files have become an increasingly common solution for user interface development of major platforms in the recent decade.
This paper presents the iterative design of UIXML: an XML-based user interface development framework that was designed into a legacy patient monitoring software application. A survey was conducted amongst the developers using UIXML where it was found that UIXML made the user interface software development faster and easier and became the tool of choice for most developers.
Keywords: XML, user interface, UI platform, refactoring, UI architecture
This paper presents the iterative design of UIXML: an XML-based user interface development framework that was designed into a legacy patient monitoring software application. A survey was conducted amongst the developers using UIXML where it was found that UIXML made the user interface software development faster and easier and became the tool of choice for most developers.
Keywords: XML, user interface, UI platform, refactoring, UI architecture