The image of ethnic conationals abroad in the context of national identity construction: the case-study of Sweden
Kansainvälinen politiikka/ISSS - International Relations/ISSS
Johtamiskorkeakoulu - School of Management
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In my Master thesis I examine the images of Finlandssvenskar (Finnish Swedes) reproduced in the Swedish newspapers. I aim at examining how Swedish-speakers who live abroad contribute to the Swedish national identity construction. I argue that the presence of ethnic minority abroad (ethnic conationals, diaspora) affects the national identity formation.
The research project is built upon the social constructivist theoretical framework and the image-theory by Kenneth Boulding. The selected research method combines discourse theoretical approach and critical discourse analysis. Following the notions by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau I use synchronic approach in analyzing how meanings are produced and reproduced by politics and discourses; and I believe, identities are articulated in speech acts and texts, and, thus, can be examined by means of media and political talks.
The research material consists of 81 articles from 26 Swedish newspapers of various political orientations and published in different regions of the country. Analyzing discourse on identity provided by the articles I attempt to research the images of Finnish Swedes that are reproduced and maintained in Sweden.
Analyzing the articles I distinguish seven images of Finnish Swedes: ‘no more than the citizens of the neighbor country' image; ‘heroic' image; ‘elite' image; ‘comical' image; ‘Swedish fans'; ‘being in decline' image, and ‘a little-brother' image. From the one hand, the image of the Swedish-speakers of Finland is used as reflection for Swedish Swedes: attributing perfect characteristics to the group, media reproduces certain positive image of ethnic Swedes. At the same time, prevailing discourse emphasizes their otherness referring to the questions of citizenship, internal affair, and migration.
The research project is built upon the social constructivist theoretical framework and the image-theory by Kenneth Boulding. The selected research method combines discourse theoretical approach and critical discourse analysis. Following the notions by Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau I use synchronic approach in analyzing how meanings are produced and reproduced by politics and discourses; and I believe, identities are articulated in speech acts and texts, and, thus, can be examined by means of media and political talks.
The research material consists of 81 articles from 26 Swedish newspapers of various political orientations and published in different regions of the country. Analyzing discourse on identity provided by the articles I attempt to research the images of Finnish Swedes that are reproduced and maintained in Sweden.
Analyzing the articles I distinguish seven images of Finnish Swedes: ‘no more than the citizens of the neighbor country' image; ‘heroic' image; ‘elite' image; ‘comical' image; ‘Swedish fans'; ‘being in decline' image, and ‘a little-brother' image. From the one hand, the image of the Swedish-speakers of Finland is used as reflection for Swedish Swedes: attributing perfect characteristics to the group, media reproduces certain positive image of ethnic Swedes. At the same time, prevailing discourse emphasizes their otherness referring to the questions of citizenship, internal affair, and migration.