Chinese business managers' moral decision-making
LIN, NASA (2011)
Yrityksen hallinto - Management and Organisation
Johtamiskorkeakoulu - School of Management
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The topic of this thesis is about moral decision-making, and the main objective of this study is to research the moral decision-making of Chinese business managers based on the analysis of data. The study adopts systematic literature of qualitative research method and is constructed by means of qualitative analysis of 64 data articles. The 64 data articles are the journals from the Database of Chinese Academic Journals, Journal of Business Ethics and other leading business journals from the year 1970 to 2010.
This study is mainly constructed with two phases of literature review. The first phase of literature review presents the definition, factors and models of moral decision-making. And the second phase of literature review is focus on the Chinese managers’ moral decision-making by analyzing Chinese morality sources, research studies and individual factors which have impacts on Chinese business managers’ moral decision-making.
The results demonstrate that moral decision-making research has flourished to help the business managers to enhance their business ethics and forming a better business environment in China. The research helps to provide a comprehensive understating of moral decision-making, especially the Chinese business managers’ moral decision-making. However, there are still numerous areas of moral decision-making of Chinese business managers that require further exploration.
Asiasanat:Moral decision-making, Chinese business managers, China
This study is mainly constructed with two phases of literature review. The first phase of literature review presents the definition, factors and models of moral decision-making. And the second phase of literature review is focus on the Chinese managers’ moral decision-making by analyzing Chinese morality sources, research studies and individual factors which have impacts on Chinese business managers’ moral decision-making.
The results demonstrate that moral decision-making research has flourished to help the business managers to enhance their business ethics and forming a better business environment in China. The research helps to provide a comprehensive understating of moral decision-making, especially the Chinese business managers’ moral decision-making. However, there are still numerous areas of moral decision-making of Chinese business managers that require further exploration.
Asiasanat:Moral decision-making, Chinese business managers, China