Le couple narrateur-lecteur dans Je m?en vais de Jean Echenoz
Ranskan kieli - French Language
Kieli-, käännös- ja kirjallisuustieteiden yksikkö - School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies
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In this thesis, the main goal is to study the relation between the narrator and the reader in one particular novel of Jean Echenoz: Je m’en vais, which received in 1999 (same year as Je m’en vais was first published) one of the most prestigious - if not the most prestigious - French literary prices “le prix Goncourt”. These exchanges between the narrator and the reader represent, in their playful display, the heart of the narration of Je m’en vais.
In literature, there are many fields of researches when it comes to the narrator, the characters or the narration itself. Therefore, this thesis wants to focus on the particular interaction between the narrator and the narratee (the imagined person whom the narrator is assumed to be addressing in a given narrative), the author and the reader. The narrator of Je m’en vais constantly involves the narratee and therefore the reader in and into the narration, using metalepses as frequently as possible.
First, in this thesis, I will be working on the methodology and the place of the reader in Je m’en vais, underlining the reader of the novel and the notions of local and global strategies of any reading process before studying the novel of the reader and the “qualities” of the reader, in terms of performance, competence and experience.
Secondly, the notion of narratee will be analyzed, and I will introduce the narratee(s) of Je m’en vais and answer to several questions such as whether there are one or more narratees, how the narrator addresses himself to the narratee(s), whether the narrator is using directly the narratee to create a bridge, a link between the author and the reader and also what the presence of the narratees in this novel bring to the narration itself.
Finally, an important chapter of this thesis will emphasize the presence and the use of metalepses in Je m’en vais. These metalepses will be divided into categories that I tried to set to represent the considerable role they play in the narration as well as the playful exchanges they constitute between the narrator and the narratee.
I therefore hope that this thesis will answer to my initial expectations, which were to prove that Jean Echenoz, the author, was able to create a fiction within the fiction, a narration in which the reader also contributes to the artistic creation of the novel.
Keywords: narrator, narration, narrative, narratee, metalepsis, reader.
In literature, there are many fields of researches when it comes to the narrator, the characters or the narration itself. Therefore, this thesis wants to focus on the particular interaction between the narrator and the narratee (the imagined person whom the narrator is assumed to be addressing in a given narrative), the author and the reader. The narrator of Je m’en vais constantly involves the narratee and therefore the reader in and into the narration, using metalepses as frequently as possible.
First, in this thesis, I will be working on the methodology and the place of the reader in Je m’en vais, underlining the reader of the novel and the notions of local and global strategies of any reading process before studying the novel of the reader and the “qualities” of the reader, in terms of performance, competence and experience.
Secondly, the notion of narratee will be analyzed, and I will introduce the narratee(s) of Je m’en vais and answer to several questions such as whether there are one or more narratees, how the narrator addresses himself to the narratee(s), whether the narrator is using directly the narratee to create a bridge, a link between the author and the reader and also what the presence of the narratees in this novel bring to the narration itself.
Finally, an important chapter of this thesis will emphasize the presence and the use of metalepses in Je m’en vais. These metalepses will be divided into categories that I tried to set to represent the considerable role they play in the narration as well as the playful exchanges they constitute between the narrator and the narratee.
I therefore hope that this thesis will answer to my initial expectations, which were to prove that Jean Echenoz, the author, was able to create a fiction within the fiction, a narration in which the reader also contributes to the artistic creation of the novel.
Keywords: narrator, narration, narrative, narratee, metalepsis, reader.