BUILDING A RESPONSIBLE BRAND Case responsible liquor factory
Yrityksen taloustiede, markkinointi - Marketing
Kauppa- ja hallintotieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Economics and Administration
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Julkaisuarkistossa on tutkielman rajattu versio. Täysversio on luettavissa Tampereen yliopiston kirjastossa. This is a limited version of the Master's thesis. The complete version can be viewed in print at Tampere University Library.
The purpose of this research is to describe and analyse how responsible brands are built internally. The purpose is addressed by examining how responsible brands are built in theory and in practice. Both a theoretical and an empirical framework for building responsible brands are presented and conclusions are drawn by bridging the findings together. There is little earlier research on the internal perspective of companies, that is, building responsible brands, and especially empirical research has been non-existent. This thesis addresses this gap.
This thesis combines literature on responsible branding and brand building as well as examines responsible brand building in a real-life context to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Principles in responsible branding are discussed and brand building literature presented. Integral stages in brand building are then discussed in the context of responsibility and as a result, the theoretical model is presented.
The research approach used in this thesis is case study. Data has been gathered from the case company Pramia by personal interviews, observing and by utilising both private and public documents. In total, nine interviews were conducted. Pramia is an interesting case as it is in the process of building a responsible brand. It operates in a problematic industry, the alcohol industry, which makes the case even more interesting because of the added challenges.
Pramia’s responsible brand building is seen consisting of eight themes: vision and purpose, corporate culture and leadership, identity, values, operating environment, long-term goals, factual communication and quality system. An empirical model for building a responsible Pramia is presented based on the findings. Also, reasons for why Pramia has implemented responsibility and the characteristics of responsible brands are discussed in the empirical part.
By bridging the findings of theory and practice it is concluded that the empirical data and theory emphasize similar issues but with slightly varying contents and focuses. A concluding model for building a responsible brand is presented. The model consists of vision and purpose, corporate culture and leadership, identity, value base, key stakeholders, long-term view, factual communication and evaluation. The model is indicative but it points out relevant issues in the process of building a responsible brand.
This thesis addresses a research subject which has received little attention in previous research. New information will be given to a sensitive subject which is difficult to access. Further research is still greatly needed. Especially more empirical research from different industries and company sizes should be gathered and the consumer point of view should also be focused on to get a holistic understanding of responsible brands.
Asiasanat:Brand, brand building, responsibility
This thesis combines literature on responsible branding and brand building as well as examines responsible brand building in a real-life context to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomenon. Principles in responsible branding are discussed and brand building literature presented. Integral stages in brand building are then discussed in the context of responsibility and as a result, the theoretical model is presented.
The research approach used in this thesis is case study. Data has been gathered from the case company Pramia by personal interviews, observing and by utilising both private and public documents. In total, nine interviews were conducted. Pramia is an interesting case as it is in the process of building a responsible brand. It operates in a problematic industry, the alcohol industry, which makes the case even more interesting because of the added challenges.
Pramia’s responsible brand building is seen consisting of eight themes: vision and purpose, corporate culture and leadership, identity, values, operating environment, long-term goals, factual communication and quality system. An empirical model for building a responsible Pramia is presented based on the findings. Also, reasons for why Pramia has implemented responsibility and the characteristics of responsible brands are discussed in the empirical part.
By bridging the findings of theory and practice it is concluded that the empirical data and theory emphasize similar issues but with slightly varying contents and focuses. A concluding model for building a responsible brand is presented. The model consists of vision and purpose, corporate culture and leadership, identity, value base, key stakeholders, long-term view, factual communication and evaluation. The model is indicative but it points out relevant issues in the process of building a responsible brand.
This thesis addresses a research subject which has received little attention in previous research. New information will be given to a sensitive subject which is difficult to access. Further research is still greatly needed. Especially more empirical research from different industries and company sizes should be gathered and the consumer point of view should also be focused on to get a holistic understanding of responsible brands.
Asiasanat:Brand, brand building, responsibility