Wowhead Online Discussion Forum: What Causes a Message to Receive High Rating?
Informaatiotutkimus - Information Studies
Informaatiotieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Information Sciences
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The purpose of the study was to find out which attributes make messages posted on Wowhead forums ( receive high ratings. In the forum, users can give messages plus or minus votes thus indicating whether they like or dislike the messages. Votes are used to calculate rating, which was used in the as dependent variable.
Altogether, 1000 messages on Wowhead forum were selected and classified based on their rating, length, information content, writing style and humor content. The sample was analyzed using statistical correlation and regression analysis.
Information and humor were found to be the predominant kinds of content in messages. On average however, messages containing humor received better ratings and more votes. The study also suggests that it takes around 2.6 facts before an analysis of data is done. Almost similarly, it takes about 2.8 analyses before an opinion is formed.
The best ratings were given to messages that were short, contain humor, written fluently, and contain correct and useful information in compact format. Messages which contained information received lower ratings, whereas humor was the biggest factor contributing to high rating and false information to low rating.
In messages containing information, the importance of length was reversed and longer messages received higher ratings. This suggests that when transmitting information, message needs to be longer than otherwise. In addition, the importance of giving information in compact format (e.g. formulas, links etc) increased.
Asiasanat:Online, Forum, Attributes, World of Warcraft, Rating, Message, Content
Altogether, 1000 messages on Wowhead forum were selected and classified based on their rating, length, information content, writing style and humor content. The sample was analyzed using statistical correlation and regression analysis.
Information and humor were found to be the predominant kinds of content in messages. On average however, messages containing humor received better ratings and more votes. The study also suggests that it takes around 2.6 facts before an analysis of data is done. Almost similarly, it takes about 2.8 analyses before an opinion is formed.
The best ratings were given to messages that were short, contain humor, written fluently, and contain correct and useful information in compact format. Messages which contained information received lower ratings, whereas humor was the biggest factor contributing to high rating and false information to low rating.
In messages containing information, the importance of length was reversed and longer messages received higher ratings. This suggests that when transmitting information, message needs to be longer than otherwise. In addition, the importance of giving information in compact format (e.g. formulas, links etc) increased.
Asiasanat:Online, Forum, Attributes, World of Warcraft, Rating, Message, Content