Solunsalpaajahoidon aiheuttama sepelvaltimotautikohtaus
Ilveskoski, Erkki; Nikus, Kjell; Tanner, Minna; Eskola, Markku (2009)
Ilveskoski, Erkki
Nikus, Kjell
Tanner, Minna
Eskola, Markku
Duodecim 125 9
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Kapesitabiini on mm. paksusuoli- ja rintasyövän hoidossa laajasti käytetty 5-fluorourasiiliksi metaboloituva suun kautta otettava solunsalpaaja. Sen sydämeen kohdistuvien haittavaikutuksien on ajateltu olevan harvinaisia. Kuvaamme neljä potilasta, joille ilmaantui sepelvaltimotautikohtaus kapesitabiinihoidon aikana sepelvaltimospasmin pohjalta. Tämä haittavaikutus kannattaa muistaa kapesitabiinia käyttävän potilaan rintakipuoireiden yhtenä syynä, ja lääkkeen käyttö tulee tätä epäiltäessä lopettaa.
English summary: Coronary artery disease attack caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy
Capesitabine is a orally administered cytotoxic drug metabolized to 5-fluorouracil and is widely used in large intestine cancer and breast cancer therapy. Its adverse effects against the heart have been considered to be rare. We describe four patients, who were diagnosed with an attack of coronary artery disease during capesitabine therapy on the basis of coronary spasm. This adverse effect should be kept in mind as a cause of chest pain symptoms and the medication discontinued in a suspected case.
English summary: Coronary artery disease attack caused by cytotoxic chemotherapy
Capesitabine is a orally administered cytotoxic drug metabolized to 5-fluorouracil and is widely used in large intestine cancer and breast cancer therapy. Its adverse effects against the heart have been considered to be rare. We describe four patients, who were diagnosed with an attack of coronary artery disease during capesitabine therapy on the basis of coronary spasm. This adverse effect should be kept in mind as a cause of chest pain symptoms and the medication discontinued in a suspected case.
- Artikkelit [6140]