Developing a Cross-Platform Multiplayer Game for VR and Tablet
Landén, Tapani (2023)
Landén, Tapani
Master's Programme in Computing Sciences
Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunta - Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
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Multiplayer gaming is a big market and there is a lot of supply for different platforms, but it seems that there are not that many games that could be played together with different platforms. In addition to that, there seems to be a lack of supply for systems to test the games suitability for several platforms.
In this thesis, I tackle this problem by introducing a novel way to assess these properties of a game by focusing on the accessibility of the sensory information the game’s objects contains by trying to access them on different platforms. In my experiment, I found out that this method is useful in finding asymmetries in accessibility of sensory information between the devices, though I also found out that not all of it is necessarily bad for the game.
I also focus on the development process of a cross-platform multiplayer game by introducing a game called Forest Friends – a project that I have been developing as a part of a team. It is a children’s game, that can be played with both VR and tablet.
In this thesis, I tackle this problem by introducing a novel way to assess these properties of a game by focusing on the accessibility of the sensory information the game’s objects contains by trying to access them on different platforms. In my experiment, I found out that this method is useful in finding asymmetries in accessibility of sensory information between the devices, though I also found out that not all of it is necessarily bad for the game.
I also focus on the development process of a cross-platform multiplayer game by introducing a game called Forest Friends – a project that I have been developing as a part of a team. It is a children’s game, that can be played with both VR and tablet.