Effect of the heat treatments on AlSi10Mg made by SLM and WAAM
Perosanz, Sergio (2023)
Perosanz, Sergio
Materiaalitekniikan DI-ohjelma - Master's Programme in Materials Engineering
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
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The aim of this thesis is to study the effect of heat treatments on the AlSi10Mg alloy manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) and cold metal transfer wire arc additive manufacturing (CMT-WAAM). First, it is necessary to choose the heat treatment that improves the hardness and resistance of the materials in the as-built state, the chosen heat treatments correspond with a variation of typical direct aging.
Specimens from both types of manufacturing processes have been used, the SLM specimens were ordered from an external company and the CMT-WAAM specimens have been printed at the Tampere University. They have been heat treated to see the effect, and later analyzed and tested to find their mechanical behavior as well as the microstructural characteristics.
Throughout this thesis, it is shown that the chosen aging treatments achieve the objective of increasing the mechanical properties but other important parameters such as porosity, the different microstructures or the printing design greatly affect the mechanical properties and the type of fracture.
Specimens from both types of manufacturing processes have been used, the SLM specimens were ordered from an external company and the CMT-WAAM specimens have been printed at the Tampere University. They have been heat treated to see the effect, and later analyzed and tested to find their mechanical behavior as well as the microstructural characteristics.
Throughout this thesis, it is shown that the chosen aging treatments achieve the objective of increasing the mechanical properties but other important parameters such as porosity, the different microstructures or the printing design greatly affect the mechanical properties and the type of fracture.