Mechanical Equipment Integrity Program for the NH90 Tactical Transport Helicopter
Mustonen, Jaakko (2020)
Mustonen, Jaakko
Konetekniikan DI-tutkinto-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering, MSc (Tech)
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
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In this thesis, the current state of managing the integrity of mechanical systems of the NH90 helicopter was investigated and a plan for improving the current means of integrity management was developed. MIL-STD-1798C, which aims to achieve maximum safety and availability for mechanical equipment in the most economical manner possible, was used as the basis for creating a mechanical systems integrity program for the Finnish NH90 fleet. The means necessary to further develop mechanical systems integrity management were investigated with the use of situational analysis. The comprehensive integrity management strategies introduced in MIL-STD-1798C where compared to the current means of Finnish NH90 fleet mechanical systems integrity management.
In the beginning of this thesis, the mechanical systems of the NH90 helicopter that were included in the compiled integrity management program were selected and introduced. The current state and procedures for integrity monitoring were reviewed and compared to the methods introduced in MIL-STD-1798C by means of situational analysis. The results of the conducted situational analysis were compiled into informative charts that describe the current state of NH90 mechanical systems integrity management. Based on the acquired results, a domestic NH90 mechanical systems integrity program and a plan for its implementation was compiled.
The results of this thesis present the set of procedures, methods, capabilities and data necessary to detect and resolve issues contributing to impaired fleet availability as well as a plan for the implementation of the program. The results also contain two case examples of utilizing the developed mechanical systems integrity program in practice: a case that illustrates a means for improving component maximum usage, and a case that presents a means of problem solving and risk management by understanding component failure modes, effects and criticality.
In the beginning of this thesis, the mechanical systems of the NH90 helicopter that were included in the compiled integrity management program were selected and introduced. The current state and procedures for integrity monitoring were reviewed and compared to the methods introduced in MIL-STD-1798C by means of situational analysis. The results of the conducted situational analysis were compiled into informative charts that describe the current state of NH90 mechanical systems integrity management. Based on the acquired results, a domestic NH90 mechanical systems integrity program and a plan for its implementation was compiled.
The results of this thesis present the set of procedures, methods, capabilities and data necessary to detect and resolve issues contributing to impaired fleet availability as well as a plan for the implementation of the program. The results also contain two case examples of utilizing the developed mechanical systems integrity program in practice: a case that illustrates a means for improving component maximum usage, and a case that presents a means of problem solving and risk management by understanding component failure modes, effects and criticality.