Epidemiological studies of natural sources of radiation and childhood cancer : current challenges and future perspectives
Mazzei-Abba, Antonella; Folly, Christophe; Coste, Astrid; Wakeford, Richard; Little, Mark; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Kendall, Gerald; Hémon, Denis; Nikkilä, Atte; Spix, Claudia; Auvinen, Anssi; Spycher, Ben (2020)
Mazzei-Abba, Antonella
Folly, Christophe
Coste, Astrid
Wakeford, Richard
Little, Mark
Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole
Kendall, Gerald
Hémon, Denis
Nikkilä, Atte
Spix, Claudia
Auvinen, Anssi
Spycher, Ben
Journal of Radiological Protection 40
Lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta - Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology
Yhteiskuntatieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Social Sciences