Feasibility Analysis of Non-electromagnetical Signals Collected via Thingsee Sensors for Indoor Positioning
Das, Anik (2019)
Das, Anik
Tietotekniikan DI-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Information Technology
Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunta - Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
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Internet of Things (IoT) has significant impacts on wireless networking and communication technologies of modern times. Recently it has gained also attention in the field of indoor positioning and localization, both in research and industrial markets. IoT technologies enables access to the real time information about indoor environment which are collected through sensors. The sensor data is processed and analysed to understand the complexity of the indoor environment so that it can be used for making applications based on positioning. This thesis deals with some modern applications, challenges, key technologies and architectural overviews of Internet of Things including some recent works which were carried out based on electromagnetical and non-electromagnetical approaches. Then. a feasibility analysis is made for indoor positioning using non-electromagnetical sensor data which includes temperature, humidity, pressure and luminance. These sensors are also known as environmental sensors. An IoT development device named ‘Thingsee One’ was used where the environmental sensors were embedded in. The device was used for capturing environmental data from different locations inside a university building in Tampere, Finland. At first, Thingsee One device was configured for capturing temperature, humidity, pressure and luminance data from an indoor environment. Measurements were taken from different locations of the building, from first and second floor. Different times and weather condition were also taken into account during data capturing. Then the captured data has been analysed for identifying those positions through histograms and power maps. The results show that, the data captured by the sensors are highly dependent on time and weather which makes them rather inconsistent over the same position in different situations and time and therefore not likely candidates for positioning estimation.