Impact of reduced dose of ready-to-use therapeutic foods in children with uncomplicated severe acute malnutrition : A randomised non-inferiority trial in Burkina Faso
Kangas, Suvi T.; Salpéteur, Cécile; Nikièma, Victor; Talley, Leisel; Ritz, Christian; Friis, Henrik; Briend, André; Kaestel, Pernille (2019)
Kangas, Suvi T.
Salpéteur, Cécile
Nikièma, Victor
Talley, Leisel
Ritz, Christian
Friis, Henrik
Briend, André
Kaestel, Pernille
Plos Medicine 16 8
Lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta - Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology