CEO 2015: Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization
Kähkönen, Kalle; Huovinen, Pekka; Keinänen, Marko (2015)
Kähkönen, Kalle
Huovinen, Pekka
Keinänen, Marko
Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering
Talouden ja rakentamisen tiedekunta - Faculty of Business and Built Environment
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Nordic conferences on Construction Economics and Organization (CEO conferences) have been biennial events for academics and industry people. These events are bringing together experts globally and those particularly from Nordic countries for sharing and learning new knowledge, to meet colleagues, get new connection and to visit/see interesting construction case projects or companies. For academics these conferences are important publishing channels. The accepted double-blind reviewed papers are published using widely recognised academic media.
We are very pleased to introduce 8th CEO conference 28th – 29th May 2015, Tampere Finland. The overall theme of this CEO2015 conference is Leadership for targeted change and proven advancements. The following titles represent key areas for which the conference was planned to contribute.
• Gaining desirable changes in real estate and construction sector
• Change towards sustainable built environment and environmental friendly behaviour
• Processes and methods for realizing change initiatives
• Principles, methods and tools for the management of change in processes and projects
• Learning from change: challenges in change processes
• Change behaviour – methods and models to affect change processes
• Business and operations management under unceasing change
• Built environment, companies and projects as systems.
The CEO2015 conference comprises 79 accepted papers and their presentations. The special issue of Elsevier Procedia Economics and Finance (Volume 21, 8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization) includes 76 papers. This publication includes three papers. The editors are grateful to all authors for their valuable efforts.
We are very pleased to introduce 8th CEO conference 28th – 29th May 2015, Tampere Finland. The overall theme of this CEO2015 conference is Leadership for targeted change and proven advancements. The following titles represent key areas for which the conference was planned to contribute.
• Gaining desirable changes in real estate and construction sector
• Change towards sustainable built environment and environmental friendly behaviour
• Processes and methods for realizing change initiatives
• Principles, methods and tools for the management of change in processes and projects
• Learning from change: challenges in change processes
• Change behaviour – methods and models to affect change processes
• Business and operations management under unceasing change
• Built environment, companies and projects as systems.
The CEO2015 conference comprises 79 accepted papers and their presentations. The special issue of Elsevier Procedia Economics and Finance (Volume 21, 8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization) includes 76 papers. This publication includes three papers. The editors are grateful to all authors for their valuable efforts.