Keskustan pysäköinti osana liikennejärjestelmää. Pysäköintiolosuhteiden kehitys Tampereen keskustassa
Karhula, Kaisa; Tiikkaja, Hanne; Palonen, Tuomas; Kalenoja, Hanna (2013)
Karhula, Kaisa
Tiikkaja, Hanne
Palonen, Tuomas
Kalenoja, Hanna
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Liikenteen tutkimuskeskus Verne.
Talouden ja rakentamisen tiedekunta - Faculty of Business and Built Environment
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The city environment and the mode choice can be influenced by parking management. The goal for the Tampere city centre parking study was to produce information for the strategic and operational planning of parking, give background information for traffic planning in the city centre and produce background data for the update of the traffic model. During the study information was gathered about the reasons for parking space choice, utilisation rate of the parking places and parking habits in different parts of the centre. This project is a follow‐up study for a parking study realised in Tampere city centre in 2003.
As a major part of the project an interview study was conducted on almost all parking places in the city centre. Also an additional internet‐ survey was realised with which more information was gathered about people’s perceptions of the parking system. The utilisation of the parking places was studied by collecting statistics from parking ticket machines. Statistics were available from both on‐street spaces and parking facilities. Interviews were made with different interest groups about the future development needs for the city centre parking.
There are 12 800 public parking spaces in Tampere city centre. The amount of parking spaces has increased by 20 % compared to 2003. About 52 % of the spaces are located in parking facilities and 48 % in parking lots and on‐street parking spaces. About 80 % of the spaces are subject to a fee and about 10 % require the use of a parking disc.
People who visit the city centre by car are mostly satisfied with the price of parking, the amount of parking spaces and the development of the parking system. The main reason to choose a particular parking space is a walking distance to a destination. The average duration of parking is about 2 hours 22 minutes which is about 20 minutes more than ten years ago. About 16 % of the interviewees had started their trip inside the city centre. This means that there is a lot of traffic in the city centre searching for a free parking space. This increases the amount traffic in the city centre and can also increase congestion.
As a major part of the project an interview study was conducted on almost all parking places in the city centre. Also an additional internet‐ survey was realised with which more information was gathered about people’s perceptions of the parking system. The utilisation of the parking places was studied by collecting statistics from parking ticket machines. Statistics were available from both on‐street spaces and parking facilities. Interviews were made with different interest groups about the future development needs for the city centre parking.
There are 12 800 public parking spaces in Tampere city centre. The amount of parking spaces has increased by 20 % compared to 2003. About 52 % of the spaces are located in parking facilities and 48 % in parking lots and on‐street parking spaces. About 80 % of the spaces are subject to a fee and about 10 % require the use of a parking disc.
People who visit the city centre by car are mostly satisfied with the price of parking, the amount of parking spaces and the development of the parking system. The main reason to choose a particular parking space is a walking distance to a destination. The average duration of parking is about 2 hours 22 minutes which is about 20 minutes more than ten years ago. About 16 % of the interviewees had started their trip inside the city centre. This means that there is a lot of traffic in the city centre searching for a free parking space. This increases the amount traffic in the city centre and can also increase congestion.