Toimintamalleja kaupunkilogistiikan kehittämiseen
Kiiskinen, Ellinoora; Kallionpää, Erika; Metsäpuro, Pasi; Rantala, Jarkko (2013)
Kiiskinen, Ellinoora
Kallionpää, Erika
Metsäpuro, Pasi
Rantala, Jarkko
Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto. Tiedonhallinnan ja logistiikan laitos
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
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The lack of non-renewable energy sources and environmental requirements has forced stakeholders to develop their operations into more environmentally friendly direction. Longhaul transportation cover the majority of the kilometres travelled during the trip, but most of the costs and harmful environmental effects compound of distribution and pickups. By investing in urban freight logistics solutions, it is possible to reduce the environmental effects and costs of transport and therefore improve efficiency.
The scope for this study is to define the operations to develop urban logistics and examine which of these operations would be suitable for the city of Tampere. The operations that are used in Europe to develop urban logistics are examined through literature review. The future of these methods and their suitability in Tampere are analyzed by expert interviews and case-cities in Europe.
The most critical methods in developing urban freight logistics are related not only to environmentally friendly and cost-effective equipment but also more effective use of equipment in route and loud factor planning. There are different ways to start to develop the organization’s operations. For example giving subsidies or forcing with laws are ways to direct the operations of the organization. Intensification can also be company driven when the goal might be in getting more profitable operations or improving the image of the company.
In the near future in Tampere the most recommended actions to improve urban freight logistics are those which require only little resources, for example developing the parking and unloading areas, maintaining existing infrastructure and defining the routes for trucks. Over the long haul possible targets for development are low emission zones in the centre-area, where only environmentally friendly vehicles are allowed and consolidation centre, if further studies confirm the benefits of it to overcome the resources required. Other targets for development both in the short and long run are generating common long haul vision for decision makers and companies for the future of the urban freight logistics, sharing real time information with different stakeholders and developing information systems that help to optimize and plan urban logistics.
The scope for this study is to define the operations to develop urban logistics and examine which of these operations would be suitable for the city of Tampere. The operations that are used in Europe to develop urban logistics are examined through literature review. The future of these methods and their suitability in Tampere are analyzed by expert interviews and case-cities in Europe.
The most critical methods in developing urban freight logistics are related not only to environmentally friendly and cost-effective equipment but also more effective use of equipment in route and loud factor planning. There are different ways to start to develop the organization’s operations. For example giving subsidies or forcing with laws are ways to direct the operations of the organization. Intensification can also be company driven when the goal might be in getting more profitable operations or improving the image of the company.
In the near future in Tampere the most recommended actions to improve urban freight logistics are those which require only little resources, for example developing the parking and unloading areas, maintaining existing infrastructure and defining the routes for trucks. Over the long haul possible targets for development are low emission zones in the centre-area, where only environmentally friendly vehicles are allowed and consolidation centre, if further studies confirm the benefits of it to overcome the resources required. Other targets for development both in the short and long run are generating common long haul vision for decision makers and companies for the future of the urban freight logistics, sharing real time information with different stakeholders and developing information systems that help to optimize and plan urban logistics.