Synthesis methods for linear-phase FIR filters with a piecewise-polynomial impulse response
Lehto, Raija (2009)
Lehto, Raija
Tampere University of Technology
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
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his thesis concentrates on synthesis methods for linear-phase finite-impulse response filters with a piecewise-polynomial impulse response. One of the objectives has been to find integer-valued coefficients to efficiently implement filters of the piecewise-polynomial impulse response approach introduced by Saram¨aki and Mitra. In this method, the impulse response is divided into blocks of equal length and each block is created by a polynomial of a given degree. The arithmetic complexity of these filters depends on the polynomial degree and the number of blocks. By using integer-valued coefficients it is possible to make the implementation of the subfilters, which generates the polynomials, multiplication-free. The main focus has been on finding computationally-efficient synthesis methods by using a piecewise-polynomial and a piecewise-polynomial-sinusoidal impulse responses to make it possible to implement high-speed, low-power, highly integrated digital signal processing systems. The earlier method by Chu and Burrus has been studied. The overall impulse response of the approach proposed in this thesis consists of the sum of several polynomial-form responses. The arithmetic complexity depends on the polynomial degree and the number of polynomial-form responses. The piecewise-polynomial-sinusoidal approach is a modification of the piecewise-polynomial approach. The subresponses are multiplied by a sinusoidal function and an arbitrary number of separate center coefficients is added. Thereby, the arithmetic complexity depends also on the number of complex multipliers and separately generated center coefficients. The filters proposed in this thesis are optimized by using linear programming methods.
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