"Master's Degree Programme in Business and Technology" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
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Business Model Development for Cross-border E-commerce
DiplomityöCross-border e-commerce as a product of digitalization and globalization has create a new business environment. The consumer needs and behavior are affected and changed by this new business environment. In order to capture ... -
Developing the Delivery of Low-volume Products in a Chinese Fctory
DiplomityöThe capacity management of low-volume products manufacturers faces challenges such as unpredictable demands, manufacturing routings variety, product variety, and complex production control and scheduling system. To meet ... -
Marketing Strategy for New Digital Service In Indian General Insurance Industry
DiplomityöInsurance Industry in India is highly competent and result oriented mainly due to the increase in internet infrastructure development and introduction of economic reforms includes removal of pricing regulations and increase ... -
Nalue Network Evolution: The Effects of Disruptive Innovations in Established Networks
DiplomityöA value network refers to a group of mutually dependent firms that contribute to the creation of value within a business eco-system. These networks are formed by components and sub-systems that come together to form a ... -
New marketing channel formation
DiplomityöDuring the last decade, there has been remarkable growth in egg related industries in most of developing countries, especially in Iran. However, due to underdeveloped infrastructure of distribution systems and many more ...