"Industrial Engineering and Management" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
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Achieving Competitive Advantage: Customer Value Drivers Based Market Strategy in China
DiplomityöChina’s rapid urbanization and industrialization have led to the huge generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), making China be the world’s largest producer of MSW. Compared with landfill, waste incineration has a steady ... -
Business Model Development for Extended Reality Based Tools
DiplomityöExtended reality technologies are getting more and more popular in both B2B and B2C markets. Extended reality is new technology promising to make fundamental changes in nowadays industries. As this futuristic technology ... -
Customer Segmentation in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Market in China
DiplomityöThe rapid urbanization industrialization in China have resulted in massive generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) every day, which makes China the largest MSW producer in the world now. Compared to traditional landfill ... -
Designing a vendor management procedure for engineering, procurement and construction management projects
DiplomityöNowadays, project organisation and communications in engineering projects are evidently complicated due to the participation of many specialists and contractors. The work and materials provided by these vendors in turn ... -
Finding and fostering latent entrepreneurial tendencies in universities
DiplomityöThe environment within the university is exceedingly beneficial to support start-ups and entrepreneurs as they begin. This can be attributed due to low costs of operation, minimal obstacles of setting up ventures and the ... -
Impact of Industrial Internet related technologies to the business and business models
DiplomityöIndustrial Internet is one of the most talking topics in the recent years in both practical implications and literature reviews being a new paradigm for almost all industry sectors. It has been defined as the next industrial ... -
Taloudellisen tiedon hyödyntäminen digitaalisen palveluliiketoiminnan projektiportfolioissa
DiplomityöTämä diplomityö käsittelee taloudellisen tiedon hyödynnettävyyttä digitaalisen palveluliiketoiminnan projektiportfolioissa. Aiemmassa kirjallisuudessa ei ole tutkittu projektiportfolion hallintaa erityisesti tietointensiivisen ... -
Tehokkaat projektinhallintatavat julkisissa rakennusprojekteissa
DiplomityöRakennusalan tuottavuus ei ole parantunut viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana lähes ollenkaan. Yhtenä syynä matalaan tuottavuuden kasvuun pidetään heikkoa projektinhallintaa, jonka seurauksena rakennusprojektit myöhästyvät ...