"Tietotekniikan osasto" - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto

    • A Gigahertz-range High-Q VCO 

      Östman, Kim (2005)
      This thesis presents the theory, design, and measurements of two fully monolithic voltage-tunable above-IC-FBAR oscillators for 2.1 GHz in 0.25-μm SiGe BiCMOS technology. The narrow-band FBAR devices were built above the ...
    • Analyzing Code Tracking Algorithms for Galileo Open Service Signal 

      Bhuiyan, Mohammad Zahidul Hasan (2006)
      The ever-increasing public interest on location and positioning services has originated a demand for higher performance Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs). Galileo Open Service (OS) signal, part of the European ...
    • HF-taajuisen antennin integrointi mobiiliin RFID-lukijaan 

      Nummela, Jussi (2006)
      Radio frequency identification (RFID) is becoming more and more common and its application range is widening continuously. The benefits of RFID are obvious compared to former identification systems, like the barcode. For ...
    • Instruction Set Simulator for Transport Triggered Architectures 

      Jääskeläinen, Pekka (2005)
      Due to specific requirements of some of embedded system applications, general purpose processors are usually not the most optimal ones for the task at hand. Thus, there is a need for application-specific processors, which ...
    • Knowledge Management for Visualising Social Online Services 

      Salonen, Jaakko (2007)
      Typically in information systems, the technical infrastructure is built upon fixed structures that are determined by the used tools rather than by the community of its users. Community-managed systems, especially digital ...
    • The Design and Deployment of the TUT Public Access Architecture 

      Huhtanen, Karri (2005)
      The development and widely spread usage of wireless networks, laptop computers, and other mobile technologies have increased both the number of mobile users and the need for secure, usable, and scalable methods to control ...
    • Toimittajan ja asiakkaan organisaatioiden ja yrityskulttuurien erojen vaikutus tietojärjestelmäprojektin onnistumiseen 

      Lilja, Kari (2006)
      Tämän työn tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaisia vaikutuksia asiakkaan ja toimittajan organisaatiokulttuurien eroilla on tietojärjestelmäprojektin onnistumiseen. Työ muodostuu kolmesta erillisestä samaa aineistoa ...