"Information Technology" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanKandidaatintutkielmat
Viitteet 1-4 / 4
Advantages and Implementation of Entity-Component-Systems
KandidaatintyöEntity-Component-System (ECS) is a relatively new design pattern that has become a major actor in the field of modern Realtime Interactive Systems. Its objective is to decouple objects into separated data and logic. This ... -
Development of a BLAST-based command line tool for sequence alignment
KandidaatintyöThis thesis work studies the development of a BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) -based command line tool for the use of biological sequence alignment. The focus of the work is in identifying the most important ... -
Dockerin käytön hyödyt ohjelmistokehityksessä
KandidaatintyöVirtualisaation tarkoituksena on luoda jostakin asiasta virtuaalinen versio. Tietotekniikassa monet asiat voidaan virtualisoida, kuten käyttöjärjestelmä, muisti, tallennustila, tietoverkko ja dataan liittyvät erilaiset ... -
Fair Thread Synchronization
KandidaatintyöAvailable computing power in modern computers has been steadily increasing in the form of processor cores. To effectively utilize the available computing power, computed programs must utilize multiple threads. Due to the ...