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Adiabatic Shear banding in Titanium 15-3-3-3 Alloy
DiplomityöShear stresses are a common reason for failure in many industrial applications. Localized shear deformations in certain materials can lead to the formation of adiabatic shear bands. Titanium alloys in particular have proven ... -
Analysis of Consumer Perception about Eco-Friendly Apparel
DiplomityöIn recent years, ethical and environmental aspects of apparel manufacturing are given significant importance in many European countries. The major importance has been given to environmental wellbeing, Fair Trade & social ... -
Annealing Treatments and High Strain Rate Testing of High Entropy Alloys
DiplomityöHigh Entropy alloys (HEAs) are a new class of materials that are referred as the resurgence of physical metallurgy in the materials research. The properties generated by these unconventional compositions are astonishing, ... -
Carbon footprint of pultruded composites products used in automotive applications: case study of side panel of coach
DiplomityöThe growing concern about the climate change is the driving force for several industries to increase their environmental awareness especially for the automotive industry. Carbon footprint (CF) is a method that could be ... -
Carbon nanotubes filled polyurethane nano-composites: a filler morphology and surfactant study
DiplomityöCarbon nanotubes (CNT) filled nanocomposites have gained much attention due to their excellent electrical and mechanical properties. The excitement related to such materials seems to be ever increasing as they have already ... -
Characteristics of Silane Bonding to Stainless Steel
DiplomityöToday products need to have high functionality but low manufacturing costs. Integration of different materials together to make a single final product is the demand at present. Hybrid technology is the answer for the queries ... -
Characterization of Functional Groups on the Surface of Sonicated Carbon Nanotubes by Optical Spectroscopy Methods
DiplomityöCarbon nanotubes (CNTs) due to their unique properties are used in the various applications. Oftentimes for using this material as a component of a composite material, uniform dispersion of CNTs particles plays vital role ... -
Chitosan and Silica Bioactive Glass 3D Porous Composite for Tissue Engineering
DiplomityöThe aim of the study was to fabricate and characterize three-dimensional (3D) chitosan and bioactive glass composite scaffolds. Chitosan, as a natural polymer has suitable properties for tissue engineering applications, ... -
Comparison of structures and properties of arc-melted and induction-melted high entropy alloys
DiplomityöHigh entropy alloys contains five to thirteen different kinds of metallic elements which have different mechanical properties compared to the conventional alloys. Generally, high entropy alloys are manufactured firstly by ... -
Design of experiment of a novel cermet coating sprayed with the HVAF technology
DiplomityöCoating as a cover applied on the surface of the substrate can have different functional and engineering applications and purposes. There are so many different techniques for making coatings including thermal spraying, ... -
Development and characterization of carbon-based electrode materials and their implementation in supercapacitors
DiplomityöSupercapacitors are energy storage devices, in which storage of energy is based on the formation of electric double layer at the interface of electrode and electrolyte. In gen-eral, a porous structure of electrode is needed ... -
Development of an alignment method for small histological samples
DiplomityöSmall histological samples, such as prostate biopsies, make up a significant part of histology laboratories’ workload due to their demanding handling and large quantities. During tissue sample handling, the small needle ... -
E-business in fashion industry
DiplomityöThis paper focus on the topics related to e-business. With the fast development of e-business in fashion industry, more and more companies have realized e-business is an indispensable part for companies. However, many ... -
Effect of Adiabatic Heating on Strain Induced Phase Transformations in Stainless Steels
DiplomityöDuring plastic deformation, metastable austenitic stainless steels can go through a phase transformation from unstable austenite to martensite. This leads to an increase in the work hardening rate. Since steels are widely ... -
Extruder Die Coatings in Polymer Processing
DiplomityöExtruder die coatings were studied in the extrusion of modified polyethylene (PE-mod). When PE-mod is extruded at elevated temperatures, it will change into a high-viscosity polymer melt causing high pressure inside the ... -
Feasibility of estimation programs for hole expansion test on sheet steel
DiplomityöSheet steels are thin steels with excellent formability and good strength, which have various applications in industrial production. Hole expansion tests, which measure the hole expansion ratio (HER), can represent the ... -
Forward study of the structural materials for the supporting system of the clic two-beam module
DiplomityöThe supporting system for the CLIC Two-Beam Module plays a fundamental role for the support and alignment of the RF-components. Thus, the structural materials of the girder and V-shaped supports, along with their corresponding ... -
Friction Transfer of Teflon to Template the Growth of Organic Semiconductors
DiplomityöOrganic field effect transistors (OFET) based on the latest generation of p-type organic semiconductors (DNTTT, C10-DNTT) display excellent characteristics, with charge transport mobility of up to 10 cm2/Vs. These materials ... -
From China to Vietnam - Drivers for Relocating Fashion Manufacturing
DiplomityöThesis topic was done to identify the factors contributing the relocation of textile and clothing industry from China to Vietnam. In last 25 years, dynamics of textile and clothing industry has changed dramatically and ...