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Viitteet 1-20 / 59
3D modelling and simulation of a production line with CIROS
Diplomityö3D simulation technology has been adopted successfully in production industry for dec-ades. It benefits the manufacturers by the possibility to answer ‘how would it be’ with vivid visual images, consuming much lower capital ... -
3D Object Detection and Tracking Based On Point Cloud Li- brary Special Application In Pallet Picking For Autonomous Mobile Machines
DiplomityöThis work covers the problem of object recognition and pose estimation in a point cloud data structure, using PCL (Point Cloud Library). The result of the computation will be used for mobile machine pallet picking purposes, ... -
A communication module for capturing events in order to monitor a service-based automated production line
DiplomityöThe efficiency, reliability and on time maintenance of a manufacturing process largely relies on a highly efficient and rapidly responsive monitoring system. The increasing demand of uninterrupted continuation of a production ... -
A Complex Event Processing System for Monitoring of Manufacturing Systems
DiplomityöFuture manufacturing systems will require to process large amounts of complex data due to a rising demand on visibility and vertical integration of factory floor devices with higher level systems. Systems contained in ... -
A Framework for Adoption of Open Knowledge Driven-Manufacturing Execution System
DiplomityöOpen Knowledge Driven – Manufacturing Execution System (OKD-MES) is a comprehensive software solution for all activities in shop floor level. Like any other software system, it comes with packages of code. Adoption of ... -
A Generic Method for Modelling Systems of Systems and its Applicability to the Field of Factory Automation
DiplomityöTo solve the problems brought by new challenges such as customized production and shortened production life cycle, numerous new technologies have been introduced to the area of factory automation. The integration of the ... -
A real-time packet scheduling system for a 6LoWPAN industrial application
DiplomityöNowadays, the industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are crucial for the monitoring and control of the modern smart factory floor that is relying on them for critical applications and tasks that were performed by wired ... -
A Real-Time Positioning System of Manufacturing Carriers Deploying Wireless MEMS Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
DiplomityöModern manufacturing systems face ever-increasing pressure to maximize efficiency of production processes, minimize downtime due to unexpected deviations from normal operation, and maintain agility in dynamic market ... -
An Approach for ISA-95 Application to Industrial Systems
DiplomityöDuring last years software starts to play a significant role in the development of industrial automation systems such as automated production systems. The growth of computational resources of industrial controllers and ... -
An Approach to Optimizing the Scheduling of Assembly Lines Controlled by Web Services
DiplomityöThe combination of factory automation and computer science plays intense important role in modern manufacturing business. This thesis introduces a scheduling & optimization system applied on one assembly line. The ... -
An Integrated Approach for Ontology-Driven Configuration Management and Run-Time Execution of Manufacturing Systems
DiplomityöThe contemporary manufacturing systems must respond instantly to rapidly changing customer and market requirements in order to survive the intensive competitive environment. The factories should have the agility to adapt ... -
An ontological approach for modelling configuration of factory-wide data integration systems based on IEC-61499
DiplomityöThe comprehensive study of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in nowadays manufac-turing systems has become a need for improving the efficiency of production processes, pressed by the market demand. To achieve this management, ... -
An ontology-driven visualization model for production monitoring systems
DiplomityöContemporary production monitoring systems tend to focus on the integration of information of manufacturing from the field level, production level to the enterprise level. They are desktop based and provides static interface ... -
Bridging OPC UA and DPWS for Industrial SOA
DiplomityöTwo web-service based specifications, OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) and Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS), have been proposed by various researchers and organizations as possible enabling technologies for an ... -
Calculation of Energy Footprint of Manufacturing Assets
DiplomityöEnergy efficiency is one of the important topics in manufacturing sector, primarily due to increasing energy prices, ecological concerns and stringent regulations. Industries that have already spent many years in improving ... -
Data and Process Mining Applications on a Multi-Cell Factory Automation Testbed
DiplomityöThis paper presents applications of both data mining and process mining in a factory automation testbed. It mainly concentrates on the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) level of production hierarchy. Unexpected failures ... -
Design and implementation of a service-oriented automation for a storage buffer
DiplomityöNowadays, the efficiency of the industrial manufacturing has been increased dramatically thanks to the development of automation technologies. However, with increasingly fierce competition in the international market, ... -
Design and Implementation of an expert System for Monitoring and Management of Web-Based Industrial Applications Master Thesis
DiplomityöHuman is an intelligent creature – intelligent in design and behaviour. From the human first second on the earth, he is trying to collect the knowledge and use it for surviving and extending his own kind. Human knowledge ... -
Design and Implementation of an InfoStore for Key Performance Indicators
DiplomityöThe efficiency of manufacturing systems becomes more and more significant in today’s factories due to the increasingly competitive market. As the rise of energy price, energy saving also becomes vital. The first step to ... -
Design and implementation of double H’-gantry manipulator for TUT microfactory concept
DiplomityöThis Master of Science thesis depicts the mechanical design and physical implementa-tion of double H’-gantry manipulator called DOHMAN. The H’-gantry mechanism is belt driven, two dimensional positioning device in which ...