Trepo - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaan
Viitteet 1-17 / 17
Cambridge Analytica and the Public Sphere: An Investigation of Political Manipulation in the Digital Age
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe Cambridge Analytica scandal, which unfolded in 2018, was a wake-up call for many and is a good illustration of political and civic consequences of big data in the digital age. In this thesis, I used theory-driven ... -
Change or Be Changed: Empowerment of World Culture in the New Olympic Format of Equestrian Sports
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study aims to analyze institutional challenges faced in contemporary society. The globalization process has changed international society rapidly, while organizations and institutions are struggling to maintain their ... -
Corporate social responsibility in Cameroon : Mobile Telephone Network’s self-presentation
Pro gradu -tutkielmaAlthough Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been examined from the perspective of developed countries, there is still much to uncover about how the current CSR research streams match with the realities of a developing ... -
Cùchulainn’s challenge : imageries and values in parliamentary debates on the Irish language Act in the Northern Ireland Assembly : an epistemic governance approach
Pro gradu -tutkielmaNorthern Ireland, located in the province of Ulster on the island of Ireland but part of the United Kingdom, has a long history of violence between its communities and its society is engaged in a peace process dealing ... -
Domestication of global higher education policies : legitimating narratives in advocating student mobility in Finland and Vietnam
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe spread of global higher education policies has recently drawn much attention from scholars in social sciences. Much research conducted on this topic refers to the ritual enactment of world culture as the account for ... -
Domestication of Global News Events by Media: Framing of Panama Papers Event in Pakistani Newspaper “Dawn”
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe international news event “Panama papers leaks” not only revealed the participatory role of international investigative journalist community but it engaged the domestic media houses around the world to follow the unanimous ... -
Epistemic Governance in the Discourse Around the Blasphemy Laws in Pakistan: A review of columns in Dawn and Daily Jang
Pro gradu -tutkielmaAfter visiting Aasia Bibi, a convicted blasphemer, Governor Salman Taseer criticized the Blasphemy Laws and sought amendments in them to make them more transparent. In a matter of weeks, his own body guard, Mumtaz Qadri, ... -
Epistemic governance in transnational social movement organisations: the case of Jubilee 2000
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis research investigates technologies of a transnational social justice movement organisation Jubilee 2000 as a case. The research builds upon the newly developed theoretical and methodological framework of epistemic ... -
Evaluating Israel in the context of Eurovision 2019: Creating argumentative spaces through framing and membership categorisation
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe topic of this thesis is the morally charged representations of actors and situations that are created in a text, here journalistic works in the prominent Finnish media coverage on the Eurovision Song Contest organised ... -
Human rights brought home : domestication of human rights discourse in Vienna
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis examines domestication of human rights discourse through the world society theory which explains the spreading of human rights as a part of the world culture. The international community has built a vast network ... -
Imagining Migrants: Racializing Categorizations and Formations of “Beginners”
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study investigates racializing categorizations in relation to the field of migration. The main purpose of this study is to scrutinize the prevailing representational forms of migrant Others. In an attempt to reveal ... -
Influence of digitalisation in citizen-initiated political participation: Online epistemic governance cases in Italy and Finland
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDigitalisation has influenced nearly all aspects of people’s everyday lives, from online grocery shopping to working remotely and enjoying novel forms of virtual entertainment, to mention a few. Political practices, however, ... -
Religious NGOs in the Contemporary World
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis study aims to comprehend the position of Christian values in the activities of Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) which is a Religious International Non-Governmental Organization (RINGO). Like the majority of ... -
The Reporting of Disasters in Global News Media: A Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of Hurricane Harvey And The 2017 South Asian Flood
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn the present age of globalization, people primarily learn about international disasters through global media. How the news media select and frame news of the disaster essentially defines people´s understanding of any ... -
The transportation of animals by air : a case study on international agreements and Lufthansa
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn the modern world, non-human animal life is increasingly regulated by legal rules. Many of these rules circulate globally. Despite the growing number of animal studies in the field of social sciences and sociology, the ... -
There is only one colour that truly matters - Global identification and consciousness in Avaaz discourse on global activism
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe topic of this thesis is to study how the digital activist movement Avaaz facilitates global identification and global consciousness via their framing and discourse on various social and ecological issues in their ... -
Think Global, Act Local : Cultural Policies of Dundee from World Cultural Perspective
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDespite growing interest in neo-institutionalism and world culture theory in recent years, few studies have researched urban cultural policies from this perspective. By far the most research on urban cultural policy-making ...