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Viitteet 1-20 / 90
30 Ghz RF-DAC Based I/Q Modulator
DiplomityöFor massive MIMO systems, large number of antennas and transmitter chains are considered. This huge and complex circuitry consume lot of power. For saving the power, the modulator and DAC can be integrated in to one. ... -
48V Super Cap Power Management Unit
DiplomityöPower management unit is one of the major parts in energy storage sector. Dynamic power management unit is comprised of multiple super capacitor cell connected in series. Desired output voltage mainly depends on performance ... -
A Compiler Framework for a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array
DiplomityöThe number of transistors on a chip is increasing with time giving rise to multiple design challenges. In this context, reconfigurable architectures have emerged to provide high flexibility, less power/energy consumption ... -
A study of the harmonic content of distribution power grids with distributed PV systems
DiplomityöA photovoltaic system transforms solar radiation into electrical energy using so-called PV panels. A key component of this system is the power electronics subsystem which enables maximum power extraction from the available ... -
Adaptive Self-Interference Cancellation in Full -Duplex Radio
DiplomityöFull-duplex transmission is a scheme where the transmitter and the receiver of a transceiver can transmit and receive simultaneously using same carrier frequency. Full-duplex transmission theoretically doubles the spectral ... -
Advanced Multicarrier Communication Techniques in Automotive Environment
DiplomityöElectronic systems in vehicles are used for advanced infotainment systems, control and automation systems, and safety critical systems. Due to increased importance of electronics in the modernization of vehicles, the size ... -
An automated approach: from physiological signals classification to signal processing and analysis
DiplomityöBy increased and widespread usage of wearable monitoring devices a huge volume of data is generated which requires various automated methods for analyzing and processing them and also extracting useful information from ... -
Analog Baseband Board Design and Architectural Studies for Millimeter wave Backhaul Beam-steering radio in 5G networks.
DiplomityöThe mobile data rates and number of devices are constantly increasing, creating new challenges for the network operators to increase the cell and area capacities of the mobile networks. For LTE-A and future 5G networks, ... -
Analog Neural Predistortion of Power Amplifiers
DiplomityöFifth-generation telecommunications networks are expected to have technical requirements which far outpace the capabilities of modern power amplifier linearization techniques such as digital predistortion. For this reason, ... -
Applicability and Advantages of Implementation of MIMO Techniques in Radar Systems
DiplomityöHigh-accuracy object detection using radio frequency signal has become popular field for research since last couple of years. Huge amount of research work are being done in this field now a days. Although radar systems ... -
Architecture and system level concept for wireless brain machine interface
DiplomityöThe recent progresses in the field of medicine and biotechnology have made it possible to implant micro-electronic devices in the human body. In the field of semiconductor technology, the immense progress provides a way ... -
Asiakaskokemuksen nykytila ja kehittäminen sähköverkkoyhtiön liittymä- ja verkonhallintaprosessissa
DiplomityöAsiakaskokemus on yksi tämän hetken kasvavista trendeistä yritysmaailmassa. Yritykset ovat viime vuosina alkaneet kiinnittää aiempaa enemmän huomiota asiakaskokemukseen omassa toiminnassaan ja strategisissa valinnoissaan. ... -
Assessment of Frequency Selective Surface for Improving Indoor Cellular Coverage
DiplomityöModern houses use energy efficient building materials like metal shielding and energy saving windows to improve the thermal efficiency. Such energy efficient building mate-rials creates the barrier for outdoor-to-indoor ... -
Blind detection of interfering cell data channel power level in 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced downlink
DiplomityöNowadays wireless cellular networks can be seen as ubiquitous systems used by a majority of the world's population and their usage continues to grow in the future. Continuously higher data rates and shorter latencies are ... -
Carbon Nanotube Loaded Passive UHF RFID Sensor Tag with Built-in Reference for Wireless Gas Sensing
DiplomityöRadio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology, which uses communication by means of reflected power, is used for the wireless identification of objects. Individual objects are identified by the RFID tag placed on them. ... -
Comparison of different commercial solar photovoltaic modules
DiplomityöPhotovoltaic (PV) modules are used to convert the solar energy into practical electricity. There are some different materials which are applied to produce PV modules. The most commonly used materials include crystalline ... -
Customer Behavior Change Detection Based on AMR Measurements
DiplomityöSmart Grids are making use of information and communications technology (ICT) to improve the reliability and flexibility of traditional power grids. This technology depends more and more on methods like load modeling, ... -
DC –Furnace control philosophy in ferroalloys applications
DiplomityöIn this Master thesis is investigated the development of control system for ferroalloys applications. In the DC EAF technology is about to having a break through due to treason that more of the customers are ending up to ... -
Deposition of Gallium based liquid metal alloy on plasma treated PDMS substrate for Biomedical and RF applications.
DiplomityöPrinted stretchable Electronics has appeared into the Electronics manufacturing industry only within last few decades. It has provided a new era in electronics especially; medical technology has been enriched with various ... -
Design and Engineering for Smart Secondary Substation Automation Panel
DiplomityöThis M.Sc. thesis presents a systematic approach to enhance automation at the electrical distribution level by introducing multiple retrofit approaches in existing secondary substations. This ...