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Viitteet 1-20 / 44
An ECG bracelet with communication system
DiplomityöQuality of life of patients needing repeated ECG measurements is threatened by the need of several hospital visits, cost inefficiency of having ECG measurements at hospitals and discomfort caused by many ECG leads. For ... -
Application of Magnet Quench Analysis
DiplomityöPost Mortem Analysis is a software tool built for CERN for hardware commissioning and post mortem event analyzing for the LHC. Magnet Quench Analysis application is a part of the Post Mortem Analysis tool and serves a base ... -
Assessing data acquisition approaches in electron tomography
DiplomityöElectron tomography (ET) is a technique to reveal the interior structures of organic-subcellular macro molecules- and inorganic materials from their 2D cross sectional transmission electron microscope (TEM) projections. ... -
Biobanking and Support for Personalized Medicine: A Model for Success?
DiplomityöPersonalized medicine is the natural evolution of medicine. More specific descriptions of diseases and more precise characterization of patients are said to make it possible to administer better treatment. In this process ... -
Biodegradable electronics; materials and current approaches
DiplomityöThis master’s thesis is a part of ‘Human Spare Parts’ research program by BioMediTech. The aim of the research program is to integrate different branches of biomedical engineering and stem cell research to discover new and ... -
Biofunctionalization of zirconia based materials by immobilization of alp in tissue engineering applications
DiplomityöThe aim of this project is to modify Zirconia surface to perform as a bioactive material in contact with biological tissue with high stability and activity. Alumina was also modified in order to compare the properties with ... -
Borosilicate glass with enhanced hot forming properties and conversion to hydroxyapatite
DiplomityöBioactive glasses are capable of reacting with physiological fluids to form a hydroxy-apatite (HA) layers. This layer, with similar composition than the mineral part of the bone, leads to firm bond between the glass and ... -
Chemical surface modification of polyimide film for enhanced collagen immobilization and cellular interactions
DiplomityöDifferent natural and synthetic polymers have been studied as an insulator and carrier for retinal prosthesis or as a scaffold for cell transplantation. The use of synthetic polymers outmatches natural polymers in some ... -
Commercialisation and quality requirements of biomedical wearable and implantable devices
DiplomityöDue to growing old age population and increase in chronic diseases at all the ages across the world, there is an opportunity for Biomedical device companies for a vital investment and address the problems by introducing ... -
Commissioning of 6 MV FFF Photon Beam for SBRT Lung Treatments
DiplomityöThe use of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) for lung treatments is very popu-lar in radiotherapy clinics. This is because of its better results compared to the other treatments. The development of flattening ... -
Comparison of 2D and 3D MRI Texture Analyses of Functionally Different Hip Muscles
DiplomityöThe need for detailed image information to enhance radiological decision making has necessitated computerized analysis of medical images. The superior sensitivity of MRI in detecting subtle changes in soft tissues has ... -
Data Processing Toolbox for PET scanners
DiplomityöThis thesis presents the design and implementation of a Data Processing Toolbox to process and reconstruct the information acquired by different PET scanners. The Toolbox is divided in three processes: generate realistic ... -
Design and analysis of coded aperture for 3D scene sensing
DiplomityöIn this thesis, the application of coded aperture in depth estimation is studied. More specifically, depth from defocus (DfD) is considered. DfD is a popular computer vision technique, which utilises the defocus blur cue ... -
Development of a Portable and Easy-to-Use EEG System to be Employed in Emergency Situations
DiplomityöThis thesis describes the development and evaluation of two portable devices intended for the recording of the electroencephalogram (EEG) in emergency situations. The topic originated from the EEG in Emergency Medicine ... -
Development of an Architecture for a Tele-Medicine-Based Longterm Monitoring System
DiplomityöEvery day gigantic amounts of digital data are produced by billions of devices around the globe. Using this kind of data and develop applications of unlimited possibilities have created the Internet of Things (IoT) idea. ... -
EEG analysis of Parkinson's disease patients treated with 50 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
DiplomityöRepetitive trancranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) has shown promising results in treating Parkinson's disease (PD), but the best frequencies and parameters have not yet been established. The objective of this study was ... -
Effect of Orthognathic Surgery on the Upper Airway System
DiplomityöSleep apnea is a disease which has not been getting an adequate amount of attention in the research community for a long time. However, the strain on the cardiovascular system and other serious problems, such as daytime ... -
Estimation of sleep recovery in shift working long-haul truck drivers – A heart rate variability based study
DiplomityöProlonged work hours, shortened and irregular sleep patterns often leads to inadequate recovery in shift workers resulting in increased sleepiness or fatigue during the day. Heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) have ... -
Geometrical measurements of orthognathic surgery change using cone beam computed tomography
DiplomityöImaging in the three dimensional format, Cone Beam Computed Tomography has become quite popular in orthodontics. Tools for analyzing the volumetric data however have not caught up with the recent industry demands. Most of ... -
Hip Implant Metal Artifact Reduction in Pelvic CT Scans
DiplomityöRadiotherapy utilizes Computed Tomography (CT) data to perform structure contouring and dose calculations in the treatment planning process. Considerations are drawn to patients with high atomic number (high-Z) materials ...