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Viitteet 1-16 / 16
A New Paradigm for Learning Environment
DiplomityöThe majority of people in Hong Kong do not concern with the built environment due to the celebration of materialism and poor education system. Arts education has never been considered as a core subject by students, parents, ... -
Architectural Silence
DiplomityöPrinciples of the industrialized architecture design were first formulated by Le Corbusier in “Towards a New Architecture” (1923). The influence of his vision has globally dominated architectural design both in the West ... -
Floating Theatre at Spree River in Berlin
DiplomityöThis master’s thesis is based on the 9th OISTAT Theatre Architecture Competition 2015, which is an international ideas competition, aimed at students and emerging practitioners. The competition is organized every four years ... -
Hans Christian Andersen HOUSE OF FAIRYTALES - Design Proposal Based On Experienceable Architectural Space
DiplomityöThis master's thesis is based on Hans Christian Andersen House of Fairytales Ideas Competition which was held in the winter 2013/2014 in Odense, Denmark. The purpose of the competition was to find a design for a new Hans ... -
Hiedanranta 1-10 | From industrial site to new city place within 10 years
DiplomityöThe continuous progress of our economic and social environments have a direct effect on how cities organize themselves both physically and functionally. The built environment is under constant transformation, and the ... -
KASVUN PAIKKA-Sustainable housing design for a growing community in Suomenlinna
DiplomityöThis Master’s thesis combines a wide range of sustainability into one architectural design solution. It begins with the historical background of the UNESCO world heritage site of Suomenlinna and continues with an analysis ... -
New Thinkings About Art Museum Design--Finnish Modern Art Museum Design
DiplomityöUnlike any other structure, the museum is a singular building type, a coveted commission for an architect. Among which, the art museum design is invariably the most architecturally interesting buildings that attract both ... -
Phenomenology of the Sea in a Nordic Maritime Research and Interpretation Facility: Katajanokka - South Harbour - Helsinki
DiplomityöIn recent times, a need has been identified for provision of public experiential locations and activities to the South Harbour of Helsinki. This need has been expressed at an international level through various architectural ... -
PLAYABLE GROUNDS - playground as infrastructure for a city
DiplomityöPLAYABLE GROUNDS is proposed to enhance the walkability in a city by introduction of “playgrounds for public”- an integration of playgrounds and existing city fabrics without any fundamental urban structures changes. The ... -
Redevelopment and Expansion of Existing Kauppahalli in Turku
DiplomityöThis thesis consists from two parts, research part and design part which is based onsite project in Turku, Finland. In Finnish buildings, there is basically reflected from their architectural style of the time. In addition, ... -
Reimagining Ruusupuisto: An exploration of the possibilities of regenerative infill within an Alvar Aalto heritage site
DiplomityöIn the wake of an international architectural competition for an extension between the Alvar Aalto Museum and The Museum of Central Finland, this academic work touches upon on the social role and contribution of contemporary ... -
Space for Eating and Desire - A Narration between Food, Body and Atmosphere
DiplomityöUpon observation and research, it is found that there is a discrepancy between the word ‘restaurant’ and ‘eating space’, and what is really happening in the so called ‘restaurant’. To rethink the existing eating scene, ... -
Tammela - Temporary uses in urban regeneration
DiplomityöThis master thesis investigates temporary uses in urban regeneration as a sustainable approach to current challenges in urban planning. Recently there is a rise of interest in placemaking movement as well as the D.I.Y ... -
Tampere Conservatory of Music Building Extension
DiplomityöThe master's thesis is based on a Finnish open competition called: Tampere Academy of Music Building Extension which is held in the winter 2013/2014. The purpose of the competition is to find a design for an extension to ... -
Tikkumäki, tehdasmiljöön vaihtoehtoiset asumisen ratkaisut
DiplomityöDiplomityöni tarkastelun kohteena on Turun Tikkumäen vanha tehdasmiljöö ja sen uudisrakentaminen. Työssäni esitän vaihtoehtoisien suunnitelmien avulla erilaisia massoittelun sekä erityisasumisen muotoja alueella. ... -
DiplomityöThis master thesis work focuses on complementary wood architecture for sustainable urban densification in Tampere’s city district Tammela. Tammela had been chosen for an urban densification pilot project site, supporting ...