Trepo - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaan

    • Access and Backhaul Solutions for Cellular-Enabled Industrial Wearables 

      Saafi, Salwa (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      Smartphones are no longer the only portable devices changing the lives and daily routines of today’s digitally connected consumers. Smart glasses, watches, headsets, cameras, bands, trackers, monitors, and scanners are all ...
    • Cloud-based Indoor Positioning Platform for Context-adaptivity in GNSS-denied Scenarios 

      Quezada Gaibor, Darwin Patricio (Omakustanne - Self-published, 2023)
      The demand for positioning, localisation and navigation services is on the rise, largely owing to the fact that such services form an integral part of applications in areas such as human activity recognition, robotics, and ...
    • Collaborative Techniques for Indoor Positioning Systems 

      Pascacio De Los Santos, Pável (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      The demand for Indoor Positioning Systems (IPSs) developed specifically for mobile and wearable devices is continuously growing as a consequence of the expansion of the global market of Location-based Services (LBS), ...
    • Edge-assisted Task Offloading in the Internet of Wearable Things 

      Bin Qaim, Waleed (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2024)
      The personal devices market is witnessing a rapid evolution due to the development of small form-factor electronics, followed by the increasing number of various value-added and entertainment applications. Personal mobile ...
    • From Compression of Wearable-based Data to Effortless Indoor Positioning 

      Klus, Lucie (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      In recent years, wearable devices have become ever-present in modern society. They are typically defined as small, battery-restricted devices, worn on, in, or in very close proximity to a human body. Their performance is ...
    • Machine Learning-Aided Monitoring and Prediction of Respiratory and Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Wearables 

      Skibińska, Justyna (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      This thesis focuses on wearables for health status monitoring, covering applications aimed at emergency solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic and aging society. The methods of ambient assisted living (AAL) are presented for ...
    • Privacy-aware BLE Proximity Detection through Optimizing Trade-offs 

      Shubina, Viktoriia (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      In recent times, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has emerged as a viable tool for proximity detection in diverse applications, including indoor positioning, social interaction monitoring, and asset management. This thesis ...
    • Robust, Energy-Efficient, and Scalable Indoor Localization with Ultra-Wideband Technology 

      Fluerătoru, Laura-Ștefania (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has been rediscovered in recent years for its potential to provide centimeter-level accuracy in GNSS-denied environments. The large-scale adoption of UWB chipsets in smartphones brings ...
    • Toward Dynamic Social-Aware Networking Beyond Fifth Generation 

      Chukhno, Olga (Omakustanne/Self-published, 2023)
      The rise of the intelligent information world presents significant challenges for the telecommunication industry in meeting the service-level requirements of future applications and incorporating societal and behavioral ...