Analysing the effects of weather to regional bus traffic in Tampere region
Peltola, Konsta (2019)
Peltola, Konsta
Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Computer Sciences
Informaatioteknologian ja viestinnän tiedekunta - Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences
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The topic of this thesis is to study how weather is affecting regional bus traffic in Tampere region. Study focuses on evaluating the direct effects of air temperature and snowfall. Delays of regional bus traffic were evaluated by using real time location data and timetable schedule data from regional buses in Tampere region. Based on this information, link travel times were counted for each stop-to-stop trip on the route of the bus. This approach also enabled the evaluation of between which stops the biggest delays occur and during which time of the day. The weather conditions were evaluated by using open weather observation data from Finnish Meteorological Institute and different ranges of air temperature and precipitation were categorized. Link travel times during good driving conditions were used as a baseline when compared to link travel times observed during more challenging conditions. Effect of weather was also evaluated during different times of the day and week.
It is expected that there is a correlation between adverse weather and longer link travel times in bus traffic.
• Hypothesis 1a: Adverse weather causes longer link travel times for the bus traffic
• Hypothesis 1b: Effects of adverse weather to link travel times are more severe in specific stop-to-stop links
First objective is to evaluate Hypothesis 1a and to find out how clear and big the correlation between severe weather and changes in bus link travel times are. Objective of the study is also to try to find out which components of the weather are affecting the link travel times more (air temperature or precipitation).
If hypothesis 1a is proven to be true, the next object will be to try to examine if delays are affected by weather more in some specific places or areas of the region.
It is expected that there is a correlation between adverse weather and longer link travel times in bus traffic.
• Hypothesis 1a: Adverse weather causes longer link travel times for the bus traffic
• Hypothesis 1b: Effects of adverse weather to link travel times are more severe in specific stop-to-stop links
First objective is to evaluate Hypothesis 1a and to find out how clear and big the correlation between severe weather and changes in bus link travel times are. Objective of the study is also to try to find out which components of the weather are affecting the link travel times more (air temperature or precipitation).
If hypothesis 1a is proven to be true, the next object will be to try to examine if delays are affected by weather more in some specific places or areas of the region.