Human resource development for green growth - the case of Ministry of Industry and Trade in Vietnam (2015-2020)
Bui, Thi Huong (2018)
Bui, Thi Huong
Hallintotieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Administrative Studies
Johtamiskorkeakoulu - Faculty of Management
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Human resources are the driving force of development of all countries. Vietnam chooses Green growth for its development. How Vietnam has prepared for human resource for our Green Growth plan? In order to have well-prepared human resources for green growth 2015-2020, The Ministry, the Government's agency performing State management in Industry and Trade sector, an import sector of the economy should do something to improve preparing human resource of MOIT for green growth because there are poor manpower training, limited skill of human resource, low capacity of the human resource..), the policies for this field is occasional and unsystematic.
Carrying out this research, I did literature review to know well about phenomenon and gave research questions. Then, I collected data by reviewing documents, interviewing, using the announced reports, gathered and analyzed them to answer my research questions.
After analyzing data by qualitative method, I found some weaknesses of such kind of policy of The Ministry, Vietnam: lack of objective, requirement, no indicators assessing knowledge, cognition, skill, attitude relating to green growth in labor demand, the human resource training instituted are neglected, late in training green growth, loose cooperation, waste of facility and finance, evaluation mechanism is unclear.
For strengthening and well preparing labor force for green growth, policy makers of the Ministry should adjust and add the tasks of green growth into the systems as well as deliver training for teaching staff and reinforce the coordination mechanism between departments and agencies under the Ministry. Especially, The Ministry should have evaluation their action plan by some independent evaluating specialists to have better policies for next period.
Carrying out this research, I did literature review to know well about phenomenon and gave research questions. Then, I collected data by reviewing documents, interviewing, using the announced reports, gathered and analyzed them to answer my research questions.
After analyzing data by qualitative method, I found some weaknesses of such kind of policy of The Ministry, Vietnam: lack of objective, requirement, no indicators assessing knowledge, cognition, skill, attitude relating to green growth in labor demand, the human resource training instituted are neglected, late in training green growth, loose cooperation, waste of facility and finance, evaluation mechanism is unclear.
For strengthening and well preparing labor force for green growth, policy makers of the Ministry should adjust and add the tasks of green growth into the systems as well as deliver training for teaching staff and reinforce the coordination mechanism between departments and agencies under the Ministry. Especially, The Ministry should have evaluation their action plan by some independent evaluating specialists to have better policies for next period.