Evaluating the user experience of an augmented reality application using gaze tracking and retrospective think-aloud
Pirttilahti, Tommi (2017)
Pirttilahti, Tommi
Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden tutkinto-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Computer Sciences
Viestintätieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Communication Sciences
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Gaze tracking has previously been used to evaluate usability, but research using gaze tracking to evaluate user experience has not been conducted or is very limited. The objective of the thesis is to examine the possibility of using gaze tracking in user experience evaluation and providing results comparable with other forms of user experience evaluations. A convenience sample of ten participants took part in an experiment to evaluate the user experience of an augmented reality application. Gaze tracking was used as a cue to help participants recall their user experience in a retrospective think-aloud. Participants also filled in a user experience questionnaire and were interviewed about their experience of using the application. The results of the experiment suggest that gaze tracking can be used in measuring user experience when combined with the retrospective think-aloud method. The quotes generated can be used to establish which features or qualities of the application affected the user experience of participants. The method establishes a basis for further research for using gaze tracking to evaluate user experience.