Effects of User Location Optimization in LTE Network
Kumpu, Lari Kullervo (2014)
Kumpu, Lari Kullervo
Tietotekniikan koulutusohjelma
Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
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The need for developing LTE was evident as the number of users in the wireless domain was rapidly growing and the HSDPA could not fulfill the demands in capacity set by the users as they expected the same data rates in the wireless domain as in the wireline domain. Generally, user does not have an idea how much the location of itself affects the performance of the radio network. The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the effects of the user location to the network and provide some insight for the user to position itself in a way that it benefits both the operator and the user.
This thesis is divided into two parts. First part is the theory part and it consists of the history and development of LTE and how the system targets are achieved. Basic principles of LTE network planning is described along with the propagation mechanisms and propagation models linked with LTE. The second part is the measurements and results with conclusions in the end. Measurements were conducted in Tietotalo of TTY in various locations so that there are empirical results to support the conclusions. Measurement data collected from the measurements is presented using figures and tables and conclusions are derived from them.
As a conclusion from the results, the benefit for the user is easier to acquire, as the user is more likely to be motivated to change their location due to the gain in performance is on their side rather than on the operator’s side. The radio propagation environment is a rich environment and the received signal levels change as the location of the user change. From the results of these measurements the user should position itself in a wide and open space and as high as possible in areas where there are no people around.
This thesis is divided into two parts. First part is the theory part and it consists of the history and development of LTE and how the system targets are achieved. Basic principles of LTE network planning is described along with the propagation mechanisms and propagation models linked with LTE. The second part is the measurements and results with conclusions in the end. Measurements were conducted in Tietotalo of TTY in various locations so that there are empirical results to support the conclusions. Measurement data collected from the measurements is presented using figures and tables and conclusions are derived from them.
As a conclusion from the results, the benefit for the user is easier to acquire, as the user is more likely to be motivated to change their location due to the gain in performance is on their side rather than on the operator’s side. The radio propagation environment is a rich environment and the received signal levels change as the location of the user change. From the results of these measurements the user should position itself in a wide and open space and as high as possible in areas where there are no people around.