The Effects of Gamification on Students’ Academic Performance : A Controlled Experimental Study
Oliveira, Wilk; Scaico, Pasqueline Dantas; Brambilla, Andrea; Soltiyeva, Aiganym; Hamari, Juho; MilHosseini, Seyedhasan; Dindar, Muhterem (2024)
Oliveira, Wilk
Scaico, Pasqueline Dantas
Brambilla, Andrea
Soltiyeva, Aiganym
Hamari, Juho
MilHosseini, Seyedhasan
Dindar, Muhterem
Teoksen toimittaja(t)
Altinay, Zehra
Chang, Maiga
Kuo, Rita
Tlili, Ahmed
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Peer reviewed
In recent years, numerous studies have investigated the effects of gamification on different students’ experiences (e.g., motivation, engagement, and accomplishment). However, the effects of gamification on students’ academic performance are still a mystery. To address this gap, we conducted a between-subjects controlled experiment (N = 71) to analyze the effects of gamification on students’ academic performance. Using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, we compared the academic performance of participants who used a gamified version of an educational system (experimental group) and a group that used the same system without gamification (control group). The main results indicate that the student’s academic performance was significantly higher in the experimental group (i.e., students who used the gamified version of the system). We contribute to the fields of educational technology and gamification by providing new evidence about the effects of gamification on the actual students’ academic performance.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [19796]